I’ve heard many people commit horrible offenses and still sit for the bar
My case, I’m a professional that’s had a spotlessly clean record all 39 years of my life, not even traffic, and after 4 months of researching the whereabouts and contents of a missed envelope on usps informed delivery, an attorney confirmed I’m being charged with three counts of misdemeanor harassment in nyc because 3-4 toxic people from my past I gave angry looks to and glares in may, and they filed harassment charges. They did this because nyc has never heard of protection orders that don’t ruin a person, like in some states it’s a civil matter, well in nyc an order can only be obtained in family court if they are a relative or intimate ; or criminal court if they are not. The 3-4 individuals wouldn’t even be put in fear over my looks, but since my former boss an attorney confronted them before on slandering my name and his, and knowing I’m upset with them again, their rationale seems to be harm me first before I can go after them again in their convoluted thinking
I’ve lamented this for so long and still upset how patently unfair this is, but if I end up with a misdemeanor on my record and it’s 5 years prior to sitting for the bar, could I have fair game of getting through?
A harassment misdemeanor isn’t an embezzlement felony obviously but most with a charge have 15 years separating them from it, and mine may only be 5 years. If this is my only strike should it be ok?
How much could a misdemeanor at 39, no prior record, and 5 years before bar hurt c and f Forum
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