Academic interests Forum

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Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:41 am

Academic interests

Post by saraduboi1995 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:53 pm

Hi, i'm trying to establish where my academic interests lie with respects to law school.
I have a Masters in International Relations and decided to veer off to law school.
From your experience (students/graduates/professionals or 0L's) what field of law encapsulates the nexus between international affairs/geopolitics and the law?

- S.


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Re: Academic interests

Post by CanadianWolf » Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:45 am

Policy work in DC for a think tank. You probably need to get published a few times before having even a slight chance of traveling in that circle. I know two individuals who have done well in this area--both are lawyers who were very active in politics. One was involved immediately after law school as a litigation attorney for a Republican values conservative funded foundation before running for elective office, and the other was a brilliant law student who rose up through the US Attorneys office, got promoted to DC & now heads what is arguably the most prestigious conservative think tank foundation in the country.

International affairs & a law degree might lead to a role in journalism or as a foreign service officer.

Consider taking the Foreign Service Officers examination. Even though not a promising career path during the current administration, things change every four years so your timing could be right. Of course, most foreign service officers do not have a law degree.

Nevertheless, the short answer to your question is none.

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