Hello all:
Due to some unfortunate circumstances, my current job is ending on July 24. For someone taking the LSAT on September 16, this is sort of a hidden blessing, because now I'm going to spend 2 months daily cranking on this damn test. However, I will be needing to at least build some savings between October 1 and a hopeful matriculation in August of 2018 (10 months), so I'm curious - if you could go back to the time immediately before your 1L and pick something to do for 10 months that may have added something valuable to your eventual job seeking, what would it be?
For context, I'm a PNW native hoping to go to UW and do public interest law after graduation. Very aware that there's not a whole lot out there that may have a 1:1 correlation with that goal, but just curious to see if there are any insights. Current thinking is to either go for a startup for 10 months to put some cash in the bank+get hired quickly, or to reach out to local networks at law firms and see about being a legal assistant of some sort.
Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated!
Finding a new job for the months before matriculation? Forum
- abujabal
- Posts: 294
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:32 pm
- Posts: 245
- Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:08 am
Re: Finding a new job for the months before matriculation?
Have you ever been a paralegal or worked in any type of legal environment? I'd say that's your best bet to find out for sure this is what you want to do.
- abujabal
- Posts: 294
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:32 pm
Re: Finding a new job for the months before matriculation?
Somehow missed this notification, sorry about that. No legal experience whatsoever. 2.5 years WE in a non-legal environment though, which has convinced me that LS is the right bet, with a strong leaning towards PD, but I get the experience:actuality differentiation. Totally an open book here, if you have any thoughts as to what I should go aftermrtux45 wrote:Have you ever been a paralegal or worked in any type of legal environment? I'd say that's your best bet to find out for sure this is what you want to do.