I'm a 2015 JD and an electrical engineer. I work in patent lit in a large firm in Silicon Valley. The cost of living has been killing us since my wife was laid off from her job a while ago in biotech and is struggling to find a new job, and we have kids. I'm thinking of how a move to Dallas/Austin might be.
I worked in Austin for one summer as an engineer in grad school (engineering). I liked the Austin area very much, and have family in both Dallas and Austin. However, the money factor is the strongest in motivating me to move. I'd appreciate help with the following, if possible.
1. Would moving to patent prosecution make finding a job in a firm in Austin/Dallas easier than patent lit? My present firm has said I could move to prosecution from lit within the firm if I want to.
2. Would Dallas or Austin be better for patent lit?
3. Which city is better for biotech?
4. Any anecdotes from folks who might have made this change (any regrets or cautions or would anyone advise against such a move)? Perhaps I should stick it out for 5 years in SV when my salary will be higher?
5. What recruiters should I contact and are recruiters the best way to go? (I'm from Boalt and think maybe I should talk to my school career services?)
6. Are there preferred ways of lateraling in Texas? I have been out for school for 1 year now. Maybe I should make this change only after 2-3 years at my SV firm?
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