What jobs should I apply to for my retake year? Forum

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What jobs should I apply to for my retake year?

Post by colonel4bin » Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:34 pm

Situation: Was almost positive I was heading to law school next fall but now am having second thoughts as I think I should retake my LSAT in September and reapply next cycle. So, since I thought I was heading for school I put in my notice at my current job and my last day will be at the end of April. I already have made plans to move back towards family and have a month long international trip planned for June. I'm just wondering what I should be looking towards doing from approx July 2016-July 2017. I have looked at a variety of options ranging from legal assistant at local firms, assistant court administrator for local municipal court, sales, working at a sandwich shop, bartending or living abroad to do volunteer work, etc. Pretty much I've never had a job I've truly disliked and have a lot of different job experience I can utilize. I could also look towards policy as I have been doing that for the past two years in DC, but there's not a ton of these types of job in the area of the country i'm moving (southeast).

Resume: Graduated from college in 2014 with an economics degree from business school (meaning I've had courses in finance, accounting, stats, calc, etc.) and a political science degree. As mentioned, I have worked the past two years in DC for an economic policy shop focusing on health care research. I'm hoping to get more experience in health care as my long term goals involve health law. But, at this point I'll be cool with something that either gives me a decent paycheck for a year or provides a satisfying experience.

Thanks in advance for the advice!

tldr; Help me decide on a job for a year while I retake LSAT and apply next cycle.

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