Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school? Forum

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Best for IP employment?

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Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by kuttlefish » Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:59 pm

I'm interested in IP, mainly litigation in software/internet/computer science related issues. I have decent IT work experience and have some amateur programming skills, but nothing mind-blowing. As far as post law school employment prospects go, what do you think will take me further:

1) attend a decent regional law school part-time and take enough computer science classes during the day to be patent bar eligible


2) attend the best law school I can get into and gun for law review, moot court, etc. Basically be the best "traditional" applicant I can be.

My thoughts are to go for the patent bar, because that would be a more tangible skill on my resume, and can help a firm make money right away. No matter how good of a school I go to, no firm is going to put me on any major litigation cases fresh out of school. Patent applications could be a way to get into a decent firm and learn the ropes. I'm also in the "don't expect to be in the top 10%" camp. If I go to a better school, but end up around median or less, I could be up the creek come graduation.

Mainly I'm just looking for thoughts on this narrow issue, ignoring debt, overall employment scores, etc.


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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by suralin » Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:15 pm

kuttlefish wrote:I'm interested in IP, mainly litigation in software/internet/computer science related issues. I have decent IT work experience and have some amateur programming skills, but nothing mind-blowing. As far as post law school employment prospects go, what do you think will take me further:

1) attend a decent regional law school part-time and take enough computer science classes during the day to be patent bar eligible


2) attend the best law school I can get into and gun for law review, moot court, etc. Basically be the best "traditional" applicant I can be.

My thoughts are to go for the patent bar, because that would be a more tangible skill on my resume, and can help a firm make money right away. No matter how good of a school I go to, no firm is going to put me on any major litigation cases fresh out of school. Patent applications could be a way to get into a decent firm and learn the ropes. I'm also in the "don't expect to be in the top 10%" camp. If I go to a better school, but end up around median or less, I could be up the creek come graduation.

Mainly I'm just looking for thoughts on this narrow issue, ignoring debt, overall employment scores, etc.
Depends on just how sure you are that your interest in IP litigation does not waver in law school. What if you find out that you hate dealing with patents? Or find out that you hate litigation?

In the past, how many times have you been sure of something and then changed your mind 2-3 years later? Take all of that into account, and then make the choice that gives you the best margin for error--ITE, that's of paramount importance.
Last edited by suralin on Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by nebula666 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:04 pm

This depends on what your regional school is. There is a big difference between going to Maine and Minnesota for IP.

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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by cahwc12 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:52 pm

I'm in a similar situation as you right now and will relay what I've learned in my own personal research thus far. It sounds like you are currently patent bar ineligible, but are looking to become patent bar eligible through supplemental post-bac coursework. Is that correct?

If so, qualifying for the patent bar under category B eligibility (non-STEM degree) is technically possible, but based on what I've read at it will still be seen quite negatively on your resume. IP firms don't want to give you to a client and always have to explain "well he doesn't have a bachelor's in computer science but he took a lot of courses and has some WE." It's much better for you to just get that BSCS or MSCS if you can do it.

Otherwise you'll be at the bottom of the IP hiring totem poll.

edit: this looks like a useful thread, but you should peruse IPL for more info.
Last edited by cahwc12 on Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by lukertin » Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:21 pm

Choice 2.

Nobody really cares what your degree is in for IP lit, as long as you don't gun for an IP boutique

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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by J-e-L-L-o » Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:57 am


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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by fl0w » Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:19 am

Patent bar not required for patent litigation. You want to do litigation.

So why patent bar? Just so you can say you took it and then never do patent prosecution?
Go to the best school you can get into. If you land hys/berk IP shops in silicon alley will drool over you. And they won't care about patent bar if you don't want to do prosecution. I think there is currently more demand for litigators anyway.

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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by fl0w » Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:25 am

lukertin wrote:Choice 2.

Nobody really cares what your degree is in for IP lit, as long as you don't gun for an IP boutique
I would disagree with this. For IP Lit They care about your degree in that it gives them an idea of how technically minded you are, if you could specialize in a group, and how easy it is for you to "pick up" tech.

For IP Lit they care less about paten bar eligibility because patent bar is not required for litigation. May vary from firm to firm... but at least at my firm, where I will be doing IP lit, I asked if I should sit for patent bar (because I'm eligible). They laughed and said it would be the biggest waste of time of my life if I know that I don't wan to do prosecution. And even if I wanted to try it later, or there was a need, I can do the work and just have someone else review and sign off.

Just my 2 cents

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Re: Interested in IP Litigation - patent bar or best law school?

Post by lisavj » Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:28 am


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