question about duke law for fall 2012... Forum

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question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by PARTY » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:21 pm

so, i was perusing duke's website, and this is what i've gathered so far...

the schedules seem to be as follows:

section 1: LRW, Property (with Remus), Torts (with Beskind)
section 2: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Sachs), Contracts (with Haagen), Torts (with DeMott)
section 3: LRW, Con. Law (with Siegel), Contracts (with Haagen), Torts (with DeMott)
section 4: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Sachs), Con. Law (with Powell), Contracts (with Haagen)
section 5: LRW, Con. Law (with Adler), Contracts (with Gulati), Torts (with Beskind)
section 6: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Lemos), Contracts (with Gulati), Property (with Remus)

now, my questions are the following:

(1) do duke 1Ls (or 1Ls in general) not take Crim. Law until the spring semester?
(2) why does section 1 only have 3 assigned classes, as opposed to 4 like the others?
Last edited by PARTY on Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: question about duke law's fall 2012 1L schedule...

Post by dabbadon8 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:24 pm

PARTY wrote:so, i was perusing duke's website, and this is what i've gathered so far...

the schedules seem to be as follows:

section 1: LRW, Property (with Remus), Torts (with Beskind)
section 2: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Sachs), Contracts (with Haagen), Torts (with DeMott)
section 3: LRW, Con. Law (with Siegel), Contracts (with Haagen), Torts (with DeMott)
section 4: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Sachs), Con. Law (with Powell), Contracts (with Haagen)
section 5: LRW, Con. Law (with Adler), Contracts (with Gulati), Torts (with Beskind)
section 6: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Lemos), Contracts (with Gulati), Property (with Remus)

now, my questions are the following:

(1) do duke 1Ls (or 1Ls in general) not take Crim. Law until the spring semester?
(2) why does section 1 only have 3 assigned classes, as opposed to 4 like the others?
1 - no general policy, I had crim in spring, but others did last fall.
2 - they will update the schedule. Mine changed after they had posted it in fall.

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Re: question about duke law's fall 2012 1L schedule...

Post by PARTY » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:25 pm

i appreciate the quick response.

also, just wondering, but would you trust random outlines found online at scribd or ILRG?


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Re: question about duke law's fall 2012 1L schedule...

Post by dabbadon8 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:41 pm

PARTY wrote:i appreciate the quick response.

also, just wondering, but would you trust random outlines found online at scribd or ILRG?
trust? not sure what you mean. Once you're in the class long enough that you'd want to start using outlines (or creating your own) you'll be able to decide how useful any outlines you find online are yourself by reading through them. More importantly, it's not even july yet, I wouldn't be worried about it.

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Re: question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by PARTY » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:49 pm

i've just finished traveling, and now i have shit to do until august. i might as well do something while i'm doing nothing.

i already have GTM and two other random books and have an assortment of outlines that i've found linked to here and there. i'm also currently trying to get a handle on what supplements duke students find useful.

any help is much appreciated.

(yes, i've used the search function. a lot of the threads are years old, though.)

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Re: question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by dabbadon8 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:04 pm

PARTY wrote:i've just finished traveling, and now i have shit to do until august. i might as well do something while i'm doing nothing.

i already have GTM and two other random books and have an assortment of outlines that i've found linked to here and there. i'm also currently trying to get a handle on what supplements duke students find useful.

any help is much appreciated.

(yes, i've used the search function. a lot of the threads are years old, though.)
What would be useful is relaxing. You will have plenty of time to study. Looking at outlines and supplements now is not only useless, but possibly detrimental. The only thing worth doing to prepare for 1L that you can do now is learn to type at a half way decent pace if you can't already. Otherwise relax and enjoy having free time.


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Re: question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by lawyerwannabe » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:59 pm

dabbadon8 wrote:
PARTY wrote:so, i was perusing duke's website, and this is what i've gathered so far...

the schedules seem to be as follows:

section 1: LRW, Property (with Remus), Torts (with Beskind)
section 2: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Sachs), Contracts (with Haagen), Torts (with DeMott)
section 3: LRW, Con. Law (with Siegel), Contracts (with Haagen), Torts (with DeMott)
section 4: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Sachs), Con. Law (with Powell), Contracts (with Haagen)
section 5: LRW, Con. Law (with Adler), Contracts (with Gulati), Torts (with Beskind)
section 6: LRW, Civ. Pro. (with Lemos), Contracts (with Gulati), Property (with Remus)

now, my questions are the following:

(1) do duke 1Ls (or 1Ls in general) not take Crim. Law until the spring semester?
(2) why does section 1 only have 3 assigned classes, as opposed to 4 like the others?
1 - no general policy, I had crim in spring, but others did last fall.
2 - they will update the schedule. Mine changed after they had posted it in fall.
C'mon now. You know there won't be any updating! Section 1 are the summer starters and they will only be taking those classes that are listed (plus whatever other class they need for their dual degree).


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Re: question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by WearyCartographer » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:35 am

I would bet a lot that that schedule is still in flux (at least the professors). It is highly unlikely Paul Haagen is teaching two separate Contracts classes in the same semester (one with two sections and the other with one). Last year, none of the 1L professors taught any class more than once all year, never mind in the same semester.


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Re: question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by lawyerwannabe » Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:39 pm

OK. So I got carried away. The point is that Section 1 is probably the summer starters. Thus, if the OP is not a summer starter s/he will be taking 4 law classes while Section 1 will only be taking 3. There will be no updating in that regard.

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Re: question about duke law for fall 2012...

Post by PARTY » Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:42 am


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