Case Briefs Forum

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Case Briefs

Post by SunshineMagic » Thu May 03, 2012 11:57 am

I am starting law school in 3 months and trying to understand the basic concept of the course material. I took a environmental law class in undergrad taught by a GULC JD professor each week we had to read a scotus or appellate court cases (I skimmed for the good shit) and then write briefs on them pointing out the issue or if the decision was divided etc. (think significant nexus) Then the professor would call on us at random asking about the case and what it means for environmental law. Is this the basic concept of law school classes? My professor assured me that the amount of info/cases are increased immensely in law school but is this the basic concept?

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Re: Case Briefs

Post by kalvano » Thu May 03, 2012 4:25 pm

Go outside and play. You're wasting your time.

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Re: Case Briefs

Post by Detrox » Thu May 03, 2012 4:33 pm

kalvano wrote:Go outside and play. You're wasting your time.
This. But also yes. You'll generally read 3-4 cases per class, although experience may vary. You will not need to write case briefs for anyone but yourself and you can find plenty of posts in the archives as to the value or lack thereof on this method of preparing for class.

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