0L Internship at V50? Forum

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0L Internship at V50?

Post by LogicalBaozi » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:08 am

A friend of mine tipped me off to an internship opportunity, and I'm in the final round. V50 in NY, I meet all the advertised requirements.

For the final cover letter/etc, I'm curious what to say. I'm pretty damn sure that I'll be several steps below the responsibilities of even the lowliest of 1L SAs, which is to say, an office bitch. I have done legal research before, though I'm not sure if focusing on that experience is a good idea, given that they are unlikely to let me near any actual legal research. However, given that a trained monkey could probably perform most of the tasks, I also want to differentiate myself from the other candidates in a positive way, and the only thing I can update at this point is the cover letter. Any ideas?

EDIT: just curious what such an internship might entail so I can sell myself better.

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