Constitutional rights/criminal scenario HELP Forum

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Kathleen in Monterey

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Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:39 pm

Constitutional rights/criminal scenario HELP

Post by Kathleen in Monterey » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:25 pm

Help with this scenario: A man sees an officer and begins to run, he tosses his gun while running. After the chase the officer asks him, "Where is the gun?" the man replies, "It's over there." The officer retrieves the gun, and then arrests the man. At this point, the Miranda warning was read to the man. Was the warning too late in violation of the mans constitutional rights? Why or why not. Could the gun be used against the man? Was the office correct or incorrect in asking where the gun was? Why or why not. What are all of the constitutional issues here?

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Re: Constitutional rights/criminal scenario HELP

Post by LeDique » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:30 pm

I would love to do your homework for you!

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