Chance me for District Courts please? Thanks! Forum

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Chance me for District Courts please? Thanks!

Post by Anonymous User » Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:25 pm

Title says it all. Looking for a district court clerkship.

I'm a 3L with a 3.59 GPA from UVA (which puts me around top 25%). I'm applying for District Court judges the 2022-23 term so I can have a year of work experience before clerking. Not on law review, but on a lesser journal, and am on the moot court team. 1L summer was a district court internship, and 2L summer was with a v5 firm (but, you know, covid), and I'll be going back there this fall. Not in FedSoc. Not URM. FWIW I got an A- in fed courts and an A- in evidence. Not

I'm trying to target EDVA, EDPA, Marlyand, and Delaware to start (to be near SO), and if that doesn't work will probably branch out geographically, but sticking to the East Coast.

How do my odds look?

Anonymous User
Posts: 431706
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:32 am

Re: Chance me for District Courts please? Thanks!

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:38 am

You should apply more broadly unless you're ok going through multiple clerkship cycles. Which is fine, and may be best for your situation! Four districts just isn't enough to have a good chance in one cycle though, especially because all but EDPA aren't that big and all are quite competitive. Your stats are fine but clerkship apps are a numbers game. And DE will want a patent background. Maybe consider at least adding D NJ (which is about to have a ton of new appointees and seems right in your ballpark, esp Camden/Trenton), WD Pa, and/or WD Va? Judge Groh in ND WV is also in the panhandle so reasonably close to where you're targeting.

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