Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It? Forum

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Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:54 pm

3L around a 3.3 at a T14. Just got offered an interview for a non-SDNY/DE bankruptcy clerkship (can't get more specific for fear of outing myself). I struck out at OCI, but I still want to work for a large law firm at some point. My questions are as follows:

1. If I end up getting this job, am I going to be in BK land forever? I'm taking Bankruptcy this fall, and I've spoken with some attorneys in the business that say it should be something I consider (done both litigation and transactional work in LS), but I'm not sure it's what I want, ideally.
2. What is the BigLaw hiring market like for clerks from other districts besides the two mentioned?
3. Could one get a litigation position coming from a BK clerkship, or would transactional positions be more of what is available from such a clerkship?

I'm considering declining the interview, but I want to make sure I'm not throwing away a potentially career-establishing opportunity.

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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:29 pm

Was in same position, higher GPA, just missed T14.

1. BK clerkship can pigeonhole you but it's how you play your cards and hustle. IMO, it's easier to get a litigation position post-clerkship than transactional. You can play up the litigation route by focusing on your interests of adversary proceedings during your clerkship. You can play up the transactional route by discussing the M&A aspects that may be involved in a 363 deal, etc.

2. Aside from SDNY/DE, other bigger BK districts include ND Ill., SD TX, CD Cal., EDNY (in no order). ED Va in Richmond sometimes sees big cases like Toys R Us. Cases can move faster there based on local rules and the judges are deemed experienced.

3. See #1. I think both are possible but litigation is easier. Could be because I prefer lit but I've heard/and seen BK clerks go trans.

If you have no other options, and district court clerkships are off the table, then do take the interview. But I'd avoid D. Wy., etc. if you want biglaw in primary market.

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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:07 pm

OP here. I don't think district court is off the table per se. I'd feel comfortable with being a free agent until about the end of the year, going for BigLaw/midlaw jobs and district court clerkships until I get something I like. I just don't have anything right now, because it's too early for firms and I haven't heard anything back interview-wise from district courts I've applied to. My big worry is taking this job, if offered, and being unable to pounce on a better opportunity later on.

On a separate note, besides LinkedIn snooping, how does one find out where a bankruptcy judge's clerks end up? Google and LinkedIn are turning up crickets, but the few I've seen seems to suggest that this district's clerks have street cred analogous to my own (school ranking, standing in the class, etc.). I just want a larger sample size before committing myself somewhere.


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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by MichelleMichelle » Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:30 pm

Anonymous User wrote:OP here. I don't think district court is off the table per se. I'd feel comfortable with being a free agent until about the end of the year, going for BigLaw/midlaw jobs and district court clerkships until I get something I like. I just don't have anything right now, because it's too early for firms and I haven't heard anything back interview-wise from district courts I've applied to. My big worry is taking this job, if offered, and being unable to pounce on a better opportunity later on.

On a separate note, besides LinkedIn snooping, how does one find out where a bankruptcy judge's clerks end up? Google and LinkedIn are turning up crickets, but the few I've seen seems to suggest that this district's clerks have street cred analogous to my own (school ranking, standing in the class, etc.). I just want a larger sample size before committing myself somewhere.
No one is going to be able to tell you if a better opportunity will come along later. That is the inherent risk of accepting the interview/the clerkship. Are you interested in BK?

In any case, while a DC clerkship may not be off the table, you may be able to translate a BK clerkship into a subsequent DC clerkship. Since you already have an offer to interview with a BK judge, that is an option you may want to consider. I would not, however, accept a BK clerkship in flyover district if you intend to go into a big firm in a major market immediately after that clerkship.

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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:57 pm

OP here. I'd be willing to do the BK->DC->firm route. I'm not 100 percent sure if I want to do BK, but I've spoken with some corporate attorneys I trust and they've told me it would be a good match for me (have SA/clinic experiences in transactional and litigation practice). I don't have to be in a major market; I'd just like to practice at a large or mid-sized firm somewhere along the line.

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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:59 pm

i was in a similar position at a t14. i would say you still have a year left, so it's not a mistake to cancel. the main thing is you don't sound very interested in bankruptcy.

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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:59 am

Anonymous User wrote:i was in a similar position at a t14. i would say you still have a year left, so it's not a mistake to cancel. the main thing is you don't sound very interested in bankruptcy.
What if you summered/are summering at V50 firm, are interested in transactional work, and the bankruptcy clerkship is in Hawaii?

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Re: Bankruptcy Interview: Cancel It?

Post by Anonymous User » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:15 pm

OP here. Canceled the interview; thanks to everyone for the info!

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