Confused about timeline and process Forum

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Confused about timeline and process

Post by bellepepper » Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:47 pm

Hi there,

I finished getting my resume and cover letter edited, now do I start applying? I am an 1L.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Confused about timeline and process

Post by mjb447 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:00 pm

For clerkships following graduation? I think you're on the very early side for all but the smallest handful of judges, particularly if you don't have any grades yet. (An externship next summer is a different story, though.)

When you do apply, you should also get a writing sample, transcripts (u/g and law school once you have grades), and three or more letters of recommendation together. Positions are posted on the OSCAR website ( and some court websites. Your law school's clerkship/public interest/employment office may also be able to help you and to tell you who to focus on, who's hiring outside of OSCAR/internet sources, etc.

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