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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by landla » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:29 pm

Sorry for the delay in this. I really enjoyed the ASD on Friday.

I do agree that the breakfast was a little awkward, but I think that was due to admitted students. Also, I think it was the awkwardness of networking events where everyone is just thrown in a room. After just a few minutes, I no longer found it awkward. (Also, the food was great.) As a note, there were 110 students in attendance; it came up in a conversation with someone from Admissions who had helped organize the event.

There were three or so tour groups that left during this time, but I didn't go on any of them. They do say that it is a very abbreviated tour, so I would suggest touring the school and sitting in on a class another day. I did that and the tour was absolutely fabulous. The class also gave me a good insight into the student life in addition to the class. (That's another matter though, since it was a different visit. I will say that everyone was very welcoming and engaged.) I actually met with the tour guide I had had previously at the ASD breakfast - she came running over to say hello, answer any questions, and directed me to people she thought I'd be interested in speaking with due to my interests. I was able to meet with a lot of current students, professors, and staff.

You can also walk around during this time to look at a few of the organizations, information on journals, housing information, and the like. Not many seemed to be doing this, but I thought it was a good way to talk to someone you knew was a student (with similar interests, potentially) before you actually got close enough to read their name tag.

My only real issue with the breakfast was how noisy it was, but that's not something to be helped. I suggest arriving early, particularly since they allowed people in almost a half hour early. (I was walking around outside and noticed.)

Following a few brief words, we went upstairs to a nice classroom for the mock class. I was less interested in this due to having attended a real class, but I did find it interesting and well done. I think the real class was more engaged, but it had a similar or higher level of energy and comfort. I would say that the classrooms are not as nice as I’ve had before, but I don’t expect most schools to match my undergrad’s. In comparison to most schools, these are nice rooms with computer hookups, great views, comfortable, etc. The chairs are kind of unique, because they are the kind where two are connected to the table and swivel to the side (same as BC). The windows also open, so it is nice and cool.

We then had the student/CDO panel. While I agree that there was too much time spent on the individual students’ resumes (especially since we had them in front of us), I thought this was otherwise a great program. I learned a lot of opportunities that simply aren’t explained online. It was good to see how some people have been able to combine programs and get more out of it. I liked Maura Kelley a lot, too – her honesty and charisma really show.

Lunch was good. I thought the food was terrific, but we probably had different sandwiches. ;) We had a really good discussion with the professor at our table. The dean gave a really good speech, which managed to be energetic, informative, and interesting.

The faculty panel was also very informative – not in terms of classes/clinics offered (if you’ve done even minimal research) but more so in getting a feel for different professors and being able to ask about specific programs.

As a note, I think much of the information throughout the day covered information boring to me, since I did a lot of research, but the school needs to cover it for those who don’t research (particularly displayed in questions from admitted students that could be found quickly on the website).

The financial aid session wasn’t anything new, since I’ve dealt with financial aid and paying myself throughout undergrad. It did go into school-specific information, including a discussion on places to live and adjustments to the budget. The woman (who was great – energetic, informative, and quick) also showed us the new calculator that is going on the financial aid website this week. I suggest checking it out, not for new information but instead to compare different options. (I also found from later discussions that information in this session greatly surprised some people.)

Since we finished the finaid session in about a half hour (one hour was allotted), we got to wander and go to the ice cream social (and our tshirts) early. I liked this section, too. While the ice cream was good, this time more importantly let us review what happened over the day, talk to other admitted students, and talk with current students.

I did attend the bar night following. I highly recommend this to anyone attending, since it was very beneficial. (There is also a lot of free alcohol and a small amount of food, but that’s not the reason to attend.) The students are very welcoming, want to help you decide, and basically have a great time. They also invited us to a few later events. A lot of people seemed to not stay long, but I suggest waiting these people out so you can get the real feel of it. I was able to talk to a ton of people, had a great time, etc.

Overall, I highly suggest attending the day. You need to go out of your comfort zone in the beginning, but it is worth it to get a feel for the school. I found the entire day helpful – and most of it was fun.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by BigBlueLaw » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:31 pm

Thanks to all three of you for the in-depth summaries of ASD. Looking forward to the one this Friday. Did the day help any of you decide on BU at all?


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by freaknroll » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:34 pm

Is anybody who isn't planning on going to the Alumni reception interested in meeting up Thursday night? This will be my first time in Boston and New England in general and I'm interested in checking out the city.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by ThreeRivers » Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:03 pm

BigBlueLaw wrote:Thanks to all three of you for the in-depth summaries of ASD. Looking forward to the one this Friday. Did the day help any of you decide on BU at all?
Yes and no, I went into ASD as BU as my number 1 choice, but needing some $ in order to go there (they've yet to make an offer) and left feeling the same way (number 1 but not for sticker). So I guess it just confirmed my thoughts

On a side-note I e-mailed BU and they said they'll let me know before the deadline... so I'm really hoping for the best (really want to go to BU just afraid of debt) lol

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by kalede » Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:11 pm

I'll be at the ASD this Friday, and will be sticking around Boston for the weekend, if anyone wants to hang out/sightsee/whatever. :)

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by BigBlueLaw » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:33 am

kalede wrote:I'll be at the ASD this Friday, and will be sticking around Boston for the weekend, if anyone wants to hang out/sightsee/whatever. :)
I'll be around this weekend. I'm definitely going to the bar night after the Preview Day and I'll be checking out the BU area to get a better idea of apartment hunting and such. Open to meeting up with people.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by zor » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:39 am

I, too, attended the ASW on Friday and wanted to give my thoughts.

First, for anyone looking for a SUPER cheap place to stay, try the Boston Hostelling International. If you've never stayed in a hostel before, you share a room with five other people. It's basically just a place to sleep, but it was only $40. Can't beat that. It's also just two or three stops away on the Green Line so it took less than ten minutes to get to campus (you could easily walk it).

Breakfast: Awkward, as mentioned. It's hard to come up with things to talk about with faculty other than "where are you from" which gets a little old. It was also awkward that there were no tables, so you have to stand and eat and hold a binder and drink and talk all at the same time. I missed the official tour because it was so loud I didn't hear the announcement.

Mock Class: This was OK. The professor was engaging, but there was no reading material so we're just kind of bullshitting, and the class didn't really end with a resolution. We discussed the McDonald's coffee cup case, but mostly that involved inane suggestions from students ("Put ice cubes in it"/ "Put a warning label on it") rather than a substantive discussion of what responsibilities the company did or did not have to its customers, etc.

Career panel: Useless. A bunch of stellar, non-average students repeating their resumes slowly. The head of career development was nice and friendly and helpful and honest, but the students didn't really add much. I wish that they had picked a more average cross-section of students. Everyone seemed to have a unique background: girl from Indiana going back to Indiana, girl from Tennessee going back to Tennessee, etc. That's not going to be the average person attending BU so that career path isn't helpful.

Faculty panel: I'm personally not interested in what scholarly projects the professors are interested in, so this was useless to me. I'm interested in jobs, jobs, jobs. Your mileage will vary.

Fin aid session: I went to the public interest one (there was a generic one and a PI one) and it was FANTASTIC. I already knew my stuff but this lady laid it all out, very matter-of-fact, no bullshitting to convince you that you can afford it (my experience at other ASWs with this event). Great, great job, handled questions well.

Ice Cream Social: Where a bunch of current students snagged ice cream then left. Underwhelming.

Bar event: The first two hours, not a single current student spoke to me. I spoke to a lot of other admitted students and that was fine. It wasn't until the place cleared out that I had fantastic conversations with two 3Ls about their career paths. They were both extremely passionate, interesting, intelligent people. Definitely made me want to attend BU.

Self-guided tour: I went with another admitted student at 10pm to do a self-guided tour of the law school building. The building is a little ghetto compared to some of its peers, but whatever, I'm not in it for the architecture. Chatted up the 2L at the library front desk who had great things to say about BU.

To sum up: I went the entire day until the bar event without speaking to a single current student. THe actual programming was pretty lame and not helpful, but despite that I felt the current students gave me a good picture of BU's strengths.

Last thought: I'm interested in PI, and I was really surprised at the huge commitment to PI throughout the day. They emphasized pro bono a lot, and there seemed to be a really strong community that's supportive of public interest whether you want to make that your career or just do it on the side while you work for biglaw. So that was really positive.


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by landla » Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:44 pm

Just a couple thoughts on this, since I disagree on a few points (which makes sense, as we are different people). Nothing against you, since they are perfectly valid views, of course!
zor wrote:Mock Class: This was OK. The professor was engaging, but there was no reading material so we're just kind of bullshitting, and the class didn't really end with a resolution. We discussed the McDonald's coffee cup case, but mostly that involved inane suggestions from students ("Put ice cubes in it"/ "Put a warning label on it") rather than a substantive discussion of what responsibilities the company did or did not have to its customers, etc.
I think that it was well done for what it was, but I highly suggest attending a real class if possible. From my understanding, most classes in law school don't have a resolution - just a ton of hypotheticals and dicussion. It was better than other mass mock classes I've been at/seen.
zor wrote:Ice Cream Social: Where a bunch of current students snagged ice cream then left. Underwhelming.

Bar event: The first two hours, not a single current student spoke to me. I spoke to a lot of other admitted students and that was fine. It wasn't until the place cleared out that I had fantastic conversations with two 3Ls about their career paths. They were both extremely passionate, interesting, intelligent people. Definitely made me want to attend BU.

To sum up: I went the entire day until the bar event without speaking to a single current student. THe actual programming was pretty lame and not helpful, but despite that I felt the current students gave me a good picture of BU's strengths.
I think a lot of this is what you make of it. I made sure to talk to current students (and faculty and staff) rather than other admitted students. I spoke with well over a dozen current students throughout the day. I spoke to some at the ice cream social (though I don't think many current students were there), at the breakfast, and at the bar. While it is easier to talk to admitted students, that is not particularly beneficial beyond what you can learn about other personalities and discuss views and compare schools between the other events.

I do agree that the students really sold the school - even without intending to, in some cases. However, I enjoyed much of the programming and was able to get a lot out of it because of making sure to talk with current students (which I didn't think was overly difficult and I'm a pretty shy person). The parts I didn't enjoy were mostly cases of I had already done my research, but they had to tell others who hadn't done theirs.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by zor » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:08 pm

landla wrote:Just a couple thoughts on this, since I disagree on a few points (which makes sense, as we are different people). Nothing against you, since they are perfectly valid views, of course!
zor wrote:Mock Class: This was OK. The professor was engaging, but there was no reading material so we're just kind of bullshitting, and the class didn't really end with a resolution. We discussed the McDonald's coffee cup case, but mostly that involved inane suggestions from students ("Put ice cubes in it"/ "Put a warning label on it") rather than a substantive discussion of what responsibilities the company did or did not have to its customers, etc.
I think that it was well done for what it was, but I highly suggest attending a real class if possible. From my understanding, most classes in law school don't have a resolution - just a ton of hypotheticals and dicussion. It was better than other mass mock classes I've been at/seen.
Let me rephrase--I wasn't looking for an "answer," but I was curious as to what the actual arguments were on both sides, rather than simply arguments that 0Ls can guess.

But yes, it is what you make of it, and in the end I enjoyed my time there and am definitely seriously considering BU. To be honest I haven't been blown away by any of the ASWs I've been to, but that's mainly because I (like most TLSers) do my research and have a basic understanding of what happens in law school. I find a lot of time at these ASWs is spent explaining things like what a clinic is and whether you get to pick your classes your first year.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by landla » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:38 pm

zor wrote:Let me rephrase--I wasn't looking for an "answer," but I was curious as to what the actual arguments were on both sides, rather than simply arguments that 0Ls can guess.

But yes, it is what you make of it, and in the end I enjoyed my time there and am definitely seriously considering BU. To be honest I haven't been blown away by any of the ASWs I've been to, but that's mainly because I (like most TLSers) do my research and have a basic understanding of what happens in law school. I find a lot of time at these ASWs is spent explaining things like what a clinic is and whether you get to pick your classes your first year.

I felt the same way - better than others, lots of explanations of what I knew from research. It's like a punishment for doing basic (or advanced) research. I do love the ones that explain what basic first year courses are or how much it costs - I think this should be required knowledge before applying.

I definitely loved it and felt it impacted my decision a bit.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by BigBlueLaw » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:51 pm

landla wrote:
zor wrote:Let me rephrase--I wasn't looking for an "answer," but I was curious as to what the actual arguments were on both sides, rather than simply arguments that 0Ls can guess.

But yes, it is what you make of it, and in the end I enjoyed my time there and am definitely seriously considering BU. To be honest I haven't been blown away by any of the ASWs I've been to, but that's mainly because I (like most TLSers) do my research and have a basic understanding of what happens in law school. I find a lot of time at these ASWs is spent explaining things like what a clinic is and whether you get to pick your classes your first year.

I felt the same way - better than others, lots of explanations of what I knew from research. It's like a punishment for doing basic (or advanced) research. I do love the ones that explain what basic first year courses are or how much it costs - I think this should be required knowledge before applying.

I definitely loved it and felt it impacted my decision a bit.
I couldn't agree more. I absolutely hate the basic Q & A that goes on at ASDs and tours. Should've looked at the schools website before you applied.

Did you guys get the feeling that a lot of the people are from the Boston area or were there a nice amount from other parts of the country?

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by zor » Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:10 pm

BigBlueLaw wrote:I couldn't agree more. I absolutely hate the basic Q & A that goes on at ASDs and tours. Should've looked at the schools website before you applied.

Did you guys get the feeling that a lot of the people are from the Boston area or were there a nice amount from other parts of the country?
At least this slate of events didn't include parents asking idiotic questions. I was at Brooklyn's ASD and this poor girl's dad was grilling the current president of the ACLU on how hard classes were.

I don't know that I met anyone from the Boston area, actually. At my table for lunch were people from California, D.C., NY, Minnesota, Indiana, and Maine. It was definitely a geographically diverse group of folks. Similarly, the 3Ls I spoke to weren't working in Boston. One was going to L.A. after grad, another to NY, and the ones on the panel were going to Indiana, Tennessee, L.A. again, and I think one Boston one.

One other random thing I should probably mention: the faculty person at my table for lunch was a total jerk. He went around the table asking people where they were considering going, and then proceeded to bash that school. So one girl was considering UCLA, and he went on a rant about how it's "a shitty school" (actual quotation there). He said the same about BC, Fordham, and GW. It was extremely awkward and put a damper on the rest of the day. Every other professor I spoke to seemed really friendly so I don't know what was going on there. That whole lunch was kind of weird, though. I'm not sure why the dean went on about a new building we won't get to enjoy (except in the noise pollution sense) that's just going to result in another tuition hike.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by ThreeRivers » Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:43 pm

I mostly agree with Zor (as you can tell from both of our "wrap ups" we said a lot of similar things, but I definitely had different experiences

The main disagreements being the lunch / ice cream social. That ended up being 2 of the 3 that I got stuff from (the other being the bar). Which is kind of funny that those 3 ended up being the most significant. Also during the lunch I thought they had a spot reserved for a current student at each table. The girl at our table was really cool / genuine. She stated that she basically loves the school so some of these questions she may be biased, and then she stated how she felt but also stated some of the complaints others who are less happy have (so even though she was very pro-BU she still was really honest).

Also during the ice cream social 3 current students just sat down at our table, so I guess we lucked out with that

Bad break on the rude faculty member. Some people mentioned what other schools they were interested in at our table and the professor usually had a remark on something he knew about that school / stating it was a great school.

Yea, every ASD / ASW basically have a lot of useless information. It is kind of amazing how little some know. I KNOW I'm ignorant on a lot of things, but I couldn't imagine deciding to go to LS without at least googling stuff. Occasionally stuff will come up that's actually helpful to me if I were to attend Boston though (price of monthly T-pass for example lol).

Edit: Also I feel like BU didn't have as much completely ridiculous questions due to their being no guests with the students (as in no parents)

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by ThreeRivers » Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:48 pm

BigBlueLaw wrote:
landla wrote:
zor wrote:Let me rephrase--I wasn't looking for an "answer," but I was curious as to what the actual arguments were on both sides, rather than simply arguments that 0Ls can guess.

But yes, it is what you make of it, and in the end I enjoyed my time there and am definitely seriously considering BU. To be honest I haven't been blown away by any of the ASWs I've been to, but that's mainly because I (like most TLSers) do my research and have a basic understanding of what happens in law school. I find a lot of time at these ASWs is spent explaining things like what a clinic is and whether you get to pick your classes your first year.

I felt the same way - better than others, lots of explanations of what I knew from research. It's like a punishment for doing basic (or advanced) research. I do love the ones that explain what basic first year courses are or how much it costs - I think this should be required knowledge before applying.

I definitely loved it and felt it impacted my decision a bit.
I couldn't agree more. I absolutely hate the basic Q & A that goes on at ASDs and tours. Should've looked at the schools website before you applied.

Did you guys get the feeling that a lot of the people are from the Boston area or were there a nice amount from other parts of the country?
I only talked to 1 person who was from Boston. There was definitely people from all over, but I did notice a decent amount from random places in New England (met 2 people from Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire)... also seemed to be a decent amount of people from New York. So while it definitely didn't have a Boston trend it did have a North-East trend (although there were some other random areas)


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by landla » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:03 pm

ThreeRivers wrote:
BigBlueLaw wrote: I couldn't agree more. I absolutely hate the basic Q & A that goes on at ASDs and tours. Should've looked at the schools website before you applied.

Did you guys get the feeling that a lot of the people are from the Boston area or were there a nice amount from other parts of the country?
I only talked to 1 person who was from Boston. There was definitely people from all over, but I did notice a decent amount from random places in New England (met 2 people from Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire)... also seemed to be a decent amount of people from New York. So while it definitely didn't have a Boston trend it did have a North-East trend (although there were some other random areas)
I'm from MA and didn't meet many others from MA. I felt like there was a nice mix of people.

Also, I had a great prof at my table for lunch - discussed law schools, where else we were looking, BU programs, law in general. I think the Dean's point was that, if all goes as planned (which it won't, because it is construction) we'll be in the new building (an addition, not replacement) our 3L year. Additionally, she was pointing out that they are scheduling work around classes.


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by sumner » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:08 pm

landla wrote:
ThreeRivers wrote:
BigBlueLaw wrote: I couldn't agree more. I absolutely hate the basic Q & A that goes on at ASDs and tours. Should've looked at the schools website before you applied.

Did you guys get the feeling that a lot of the people are from the Boston area or were there a nice amount from other parts of the country?
I only talked to 1 person who was from Boston. There was definitely people from all over, but I did notice a decent amount from random places in New England (met 2 people from Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire)... also seemed to be a decent amount of people from New York. So while it definitely didn't have a Boston trend it did have a North-East trend (although there were some other random areas)
I'm from MA and didn't meet many others from MA. I felt like there was a nice mix of people.

Also, I had a great prof at my table for lunch - discussed law schools, where else we were looking, BU programs, law in general. I think the Dean's point was that, if all goes as planned (which it won't, because it is construction) we'll be in the new building (an addition, not replacement) our 3L year. Additionally, she was pointing out that they are scheduling work around classes.
I'm also from MA and I talked to a bunch of people and none of them were from the northeast. I was pretty surprised and I asked a current student about the geographical diversity and she said she doesn't know many locals that go to BU law.


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by freaknroll » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:27 am

Did any of the current students yal talked to give any indications regarding how well/poorly this past OCI went?

Thanks for the write-ups.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by ThreeRivers » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:42 am

freaknroll wrote:Did any of the current students yal talked to give any indications regarding how well/poorly this past OCI went?

Thanks for the write-ups.
Now that I think about it... IIRC I had conversations with 6 current students. I just realized I think 5 of them were 1 L's. The only 2L i spoke with was one they had sit at our table during lunch and she got a job through OCI... then again she wasn't just a random student (was helping with the ASW) and I'd imagine they select successful ones for those

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by StarLightSpectre » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:42 am

freaknroll wrote:Did any of the current students yal talked to give any indications regarding how well/poorly this past OCI went?

Thanks for the write-ups.
Also, does anyone going this Friday mind asking about OCI?

Also, thanks for posting your ASD experiences I wont be going able to Boston till I matriculate so all of these posts have been very helpful!

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by zor » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:50 am

freaknroll wrote:Did any of the current students yal talked to give any indications regarding how well/poorly this past OCI went?

Thanks for the write-ups.
The 3L I spoke to said he did dozens of interviews and got only one callback--luckily they made him an offer and it was his first choice. The 2L said he got a number of offers. I asked how their friends were doing and they said pretty well, aside from a few people who, as he described it, treated law school as three more years of undergrad and didn't do their due diligence to actually do well, make connections, and find something. So I think it was okay. Definitely not fantastic, but not catastrophic from what I could tell.


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by landla » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:14 am

Anyone else going tonight to the Boston Alumni Reception?

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by topper10s » Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:33 am

Hello everybody, it looks like I'll be joining you all next year.

I toured BU before undergrad but I don't remember it very well. How much green space is there around campus/is there a nice gym or field that you can work out and play sports on? I just remember a highway right outside of most of the buildings.

Also, compared to almost any other school I've applied to, it seems like BU has shorter semesters- it seems to start a week later than most schools and ends a week earlier/at the same time as other schools. Cheers to that


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by landla » Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:44 pm

topper10s wrote:Hello everybody, it looks like I'll be joining you all next year.

I toured BU before undergrad but I don't remember it very well. How much green space is there around campus/is there a nice gym or field that you can work out and play sports on? I just remember a highway right outside of most of the buildings.

Also, compared to almost any other school I've applied to, it seems like BU has shorter semesters- it seems to start a week later than most schools and ends a week earlier/at the same time as other schools. Cheers to that
There is green space right outside the law tower (the "BU beach") and a wicked nice gym (pools, weights, cardio, etc.) called FitRec that is about a ten minute walk from the law tower, apparently.

I hadn't compared semester length, but that's nice! :)


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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by sumner » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:22 pm

West campus has some nice green spaces and a more "campus" feel to it. I've lived at West for the past 4 years and I love it. most of the affordable off campus housing is near there anyway.

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Re: Boston University Class of 2015

Post by camillefisch » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:25 pm


How are people looking for roommates and housing? Is there a facebook group?

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