How much is too much to take on in 2L (courseload, L. Rev., TA-ing...) Forum

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How much is too much to take on in 2L (courseload, L. Rev., TA-ing...)

Post by beforeithaka » Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:54 pm

Rising 2L here. Will be on Law Review, which will entail the usual editing as well as writing a required note (the bulk of the work will be done in the fall semester, but the note is due about 2-3 weeks after finals). I'll also be TA-ing a class, which will entail two weekly class sessions of an hour each, giving the occasional lesson, and doing some grading of assignments 2-3 times over the course of the semester.

I don't think the TA job will be that big of a time commitment, but I'm less sure about Law Review editing. I'm sure writing a note will take up a good chunk of time too.

I'll be receiving credits for both Law Review and the TA-ing.

My goal as far as course selection goes is maximizing my grades/GPA to maximize my chances at a federal clerkship down the road. I am comfortably above median, but it's not clear where I stand above that (our school has no rank). In any case, I'd like to maximize my GPA while still taking ~2 doctrinals (which I understand to be a loose suggestion on here) each semester and some litigation-focused classes.

For this coming semester, I'm considering Evidence (which is 4 units) and CrimPro (3 units) as my two doctrinals. I don't think I'll be able to handle more doctrinal classes on top of that, but I was considering taking more 2-3 unit seminars/writing classes on top of that. My other options are a pretrial advocacy class, a high-level legal writing class, and a couple of seminars in specific areas of the law. The pretrial ad class will involve 3 assignments during the semester, the other writing classes ~2-3 assignments, and the seminars will likely be just a final paper. These are each worth 2-3 credits.

My question is, on top of Law Review editing, writing a note, TA-ing, and two doctrinal classes, how much more is it wise to take on? I had initially thought of doing 3 more seminar/writing classes in addition, but I suspect that may be too much? But also I think 7 credits may not be as much of a boost for my GPA even I do well in them. Would you suggest taking one more writing class/seminar? Two? Is three more do-able or crazy?

Already secured a BL offer, so job-searching will not take up any time. School will also be my primary focus.

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