How to Prep for Exams Forum

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How to Prep for Exams

Post by RedGiant » Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:17 pm

Howdy Folks,

I was just going through some old piles of crap from school and found this checklist. I thought it was really helpful for what I "should do" to prep for exams, and hopefully it'll be useful to some lost 1Ls out there. Of course, one-size-does-not-fit-all/I am not an expert, just someone who made it through and did well. This was helpful to me in 1L! I do not claim to be a TLS messiah or anything of the like. Best of luck in school. It gets better.

Exam Checklist

1) Review syllabus for key topics
2) Print off syllabus and Blackboard handouts
3) Prepare shell outline with key topics and cases for those topics
4) If helpful for particular prof's teaching style, read E&E or other hornbooks
5) Consider flashcards for multi-step tests or tricky concepts
6) Collect outlines from upperclassment, other schools, study groupmates; collate and incorporate or print if open-book. Condense your outline over and over until it's tight.
7) If open-book, tab helpful parts of outlines or notes, in a binder. Tab cases in casebook.
8) Confirm room, test ID (from registrar), school ID, softest exam software downloaded. Bring earplugs, pencils, watch, snack/water/diet coke, outlines, computer and charger.
9) Set two alarm clocks and make sure you have a buddy system to wake up on time.

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