Property and Contracts Outlines Forum

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Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:29 am

Property and Contracts Outlines

Post by lawstudent-18 » Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:35 am

Does anyone have any property and contract outlines they wouldn't mind providing me? Any outlines or flow charts or diagrams would be much appreciated. I have already searched the threads but looking for more on which to build my own outline from and to gain more points of reference.



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Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:04 pm

Re: Property and Contracts Outlines

Post by bluthmodelhome » Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:20 am

Your best resources for this, in order, are 1) outlines of students from your school and then 2) outlines keyed to your casebook. Sometimes the authors of the casebook will write a law summary/outline in book form. Your school probably has an outline bank maintained by the student government org, or you can join a club, clubs usually have outline banks for members. Also, take a commercial outline book if barbri reps come to campus. Mine was pretty helpful last year for black letter law.

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