South Carolina becomes UBE state Forum
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:44 pm
South Carolina becomes UBE state
With some research, I see that SC would share the same exam as other states. I see the list of UBE recommended courses online, but I've already taken a few of them. Unfortunately, at the time those courses focused on SC law rather than uniform law. Am I effectively in a bad position and will be forced to learn the uniform laws? Also, I'm not understanding the significance of the UBE. Most SC students intend to stay in the state or at least the Southeast. I heard a rumor that if we pass a UBE exam and another state later decides to adopt the UBE, then we can take the one day bar in that state as well, even though we may have taken the UBE years ago. True? Thanks.
- banjo
- Posts: 1351
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:00 pm
Re: South Carolina becomes UBE state
You'll probably be fine learning the majority views where they differ from SC law. Honestly, a lot of the UBE subjects test on federal statutes (FRCP for Civ Pro and the FRE for Evidence), the Constitution (Con Law and Crim Pro), or arcane common law (Crim). So if your classes covered those, you're fine. Your classes might vary more for contracts, torts, and property, but I doubt you'll find the majority approaches very different. I'd only be worried if you studied in Louisiana or something. As for courses, I think you'd be fine taking the seven MBE subjects in law school and learning the MEE subjects through your bar course (though corporations is near-mandatory).
As to the second part, my understanding is that the UBE is transferable across UBE jurisdictions, provided you have a passing score for that jurisdiction.
As to the second part, my understanding is that the UBE is transferable across UBE jurisdictions, provided you have a passing score for that jurisdiction.