Is Antitrust Law hard? Forum

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Is Antitrust Law hard?

Post by UCFundergrad » Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:13 pm

None of my friends have taken it and it is one of the few classes open in Spring still. Is it tough?

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Re: Is Antitrust Law hard?

Post by OneMoreLawHopeful » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:51 pm

It really depends on the instructor and how they teach the class.

Some instructors can be hardcore about economic theory, complete with requiring their students to calculate relevant statistics (e.g. calculating, or knowing how to calculate HHI).

Othe instructors know they'll never really get a bunch of law students to do math and just try to teach it like a survey course (since you can't go I depth without economics).

Find out what the instructor is like before you sign up.

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