patent bar home study Forum

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patent bar home study

Post by BlackadderIn » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:48 pm

Would like to hear what people think about patent bar home study materials. PLI and PRG seem to be the go-to options. What would be a fair price to pay for a used course on ebay? Also, does it matter if the course is not from 2012 --- how old would be too old?

I found this ... 501wt_1185
would you say it's a good/fair deal?

Thanks in advance!


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Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:06 pm

Re: patent bar home study

Post by markdighton » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:06 am

As they teach in law school, "caveat emptor." This offer is for PLI's old course, supposedly with the supplements that will bring it up to date for the materials currently tested on the Exam.

The major problem with this is that the question practice software on disk, Patware, has probably "timed out" by now and will be useless. We consider Patware a key element of the course.

Moreover, Patware is covered by a EULA (End User License Agreement) that prevents a purchaser from selling or otherwise transferring the disk or software. So, a transfer of that disk consitutes a breach of contract, and at least arguably a breach of contract for a new user.

And even beyond that, if you don't buy the course from PLI you will not get the new lectures and practice questions we've posted to our online course (that only our purchasers have access to). And you also won't get the attendant services you would get from PLI (updates from us on changes to the Exam...and there are many coming over the next year; contact with faculty to answer questions, etc.). Buying the course from PLI does cost more, but I think most people think it's worth it. This is a tough exam, and going to get tougher in waves over the next year. You should think carefully before cutting corners on your preparation.
Mark Dighton, Esq.
Admin. Director, Patent Bar Review

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