Outlining Question Forum

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Outlining Question

Post by ph14 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:53 pm

Are we expected to know all the BLL, even if we don't cover it in class and the only way we could get it is from supplements? I'm trying to figure out what exactly to put in my outline in torts for example, but I know we missed some of the points from the E&E. Include them or not?


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Re: Outlining Question

Post by shoeshine » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:58 pm

ph14 wrote:Are we expected to know all the BLL, even if we don't cover it in class and the only way we could get it is from supplements? I'm trying to figure out what exactly to put in my outline in torts for example, but I know we missed some of the points from the E&E. Include them or not?
1L here. I asked this same question to a couple of my 2L buddies. The consensus was:

Don't include them. It won't hurt to know them but your hypo will be about assigned readings and things you covered in class.

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