The End Forum

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The End

Post by Giddy-Up » Thu May 12, 2011 9:37 am

On Tuesday, I took my last law school final - ever. I can still remember my very first final in Crim Law. We had a brand new professor that had not released any sample exams. Everyone was keyed-up. The Dean for academic affairs told us that the time would pass extremely quickly and soon we would take our very last final. I didn't believe him at the time.

I am not sure whether I agree or not. I switched from full time to part time, so my journey was a bit longer. In some ways, orientation in August of 2007 seems like a distant memory. So much has happened, we had our first child, bought a house and so on. In other ways, it does not seem that long ago. I can remember getting my first set of grades so clearly. Constantly refreshing the screen to see if they had posted. I can remember how strange it felt after the first year to see new people in your classes after seeing the same people all day everyday during the first year.

Looking back on it, I am glad I did it. Perhaps I got lucky though. I took the full scholarship with stipulations. I will graduate with zero debt and with a high class rank. I say lucky, because I know I did not work as hard as many others. Perhaps I worked smarter, but I am not sure. I think I just happen to be quite good at taking law school exams. I don't know if that means I will be a good lawyer or not.

This board helped me out a lot. The board has certainly changed since 2007. If I had found the board earlier, I may have done much better on my LSAT. Posters helped me decide whether to take the full ride or go to the higher school. Posters helped me decide whether I should accept the job or stay in law school full time. This is a great site. Thanks for everything.


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Re: The End

Post by flounder » Thu May 12, 2011 9:45 am

Just one more Big Ass test to go!

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Re: The End

Post by FantasticMrFox » Thu May 12, 2011 11:16 am

flounder wrote:Congrats,
Just one more Big Ass test to go!
Congrats!! :D must feel weird after all those years of education

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