The statements from Weil Gotshal in this New Chambers resource for law students are not encouraging. One can only hope that Weil's recruiting needs for this year and next are somewhat idiosyncratic, in that they were determined by GIGANTIC mistakes w/r/t the size of BOTH the summer 2008 and 2009 classes, followed by a need not to force deferrals on ANYONE (out of fear of losing precious V10 status).*KMaine wrote:Honestly, your guess is as good as mine, but my estimate is the above. You go to Cornell?booyakasha45 wrote:thanks. I know it's not an explicit cut off, but it's good to have a rough idea of where we stand going into OCI/EIP this August. FOL.KMaine wrote:
Hard to say for next year. I tend not to think that there is as much of a strict cut-off as some people think. Kind of think that the higher we get in the class, the more likely the firms are to give us a real shot at OCI. My thoughts are Top 30% will get a real opportunity to prove themselves, median will truly face an uphill battle. Sheer conjecture. It is just crazy to think how much of it is in the hands of our profs now. . . and how much depends on how much better (or worse) we did than all of those chronic over-achievers referenced above.
Here's what the source told Chambers, though:
"2011 will still be small."
Chambers comments:
The firm is hopeful that it will be back to hosting its regular summer program in 2012.
Here's the size of Weil's classes for summer 2008, 2009, and 2010:
2008: 182
2009: 169
2010: 40
*After a bit of digging, I realized they have "force-deferred" the classes of 2009 and 2010, but only to the January after the fall when they were supposed to start (so for the class of 2010, deferrals are only mandatory until January 2011). The class of 2010 can opt for a year's stipend if they want to defer to January 2012.