BigA wrote:+1.
I also balked at the term "outlining" and wondered what the heck this was. As a likely splitter, I would actually like to take a class or something on how to be good student, if such a thing exists
Ahem: I posted this in another thread and I think it's relevant here. What follows is an abbreviated list of some of the most famous "Law School Advice" threads/articles/blogs on TLS and a couple of other sites. I'm ZOMG a 0L, so I'm not going to pretend to offer you advice or tell you how to use this advice, but I find just reading it all and trying to internalize it now keeps me from freaking out in the 3 1/2 months till school.disco_barred wrote:It's called TLS. Your teachers will be Arrow, Scribe, JayCutler'sCombOver, Wahoo1L, and Xeoh85.
Btw, I would read them in the order presented, because the ones I put at the top are the most comprehensive. They don't just cover "Outlining" or "Examsmanship" or "LEEWS vs. GtM" but attempt to do it all.
Tips for Succeeding in Law School, by Bo Weng (Arrow)
AND the original thread, with very helpful responses to reader questions, ... =2&t=77628
Successful second semester 1L @ a top law school: study blog, by Scribe ... 0&start=50
Note: This is in the blog section, and therefore the posts read chronologically backwards. Start at the last post of the last page.
Advice for doing well in law school, by xeoh85 ... 35#p777665
Note: Be sure to read past the first post, Xeoh offers a host of VERY awesome responses to reader questions.
Success in Law School – A Unique Perspective, anonymous author ... chool.html
The Complete 0L Guide to 1L, by JayCutler'sCombover ... &p=1905439
Note: This is in the blog section, and therefore the posts read chronologically backwards. Start at the last post of the last page.
Law School Advice (T10), by Wahoo1L ... =2&t=78769
Wahoo only pops back into the thread a couple times after the first post. There's one good answer to DrmgSprs in there.
If I could do my first semester over again... ... =3&t=19378
After Grades - What did we learn? ... =3&t=22536
Advice to 1Ls on Exam-Writing Technique, by Eric Johnson ... -advi.html
Outlining for Class... , by Austen Parrish ... class.html
Preparing for Final Exams, by Austen Parrish ... exams.html
Thought on First-Year Law School Grades, by Orin Kerr ... ol-grades/
A Common Law School Exam Mistake, by Orin Kerr