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Georgetown Students

Post by macattaq » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:25 pm

Yea, so I 'won' election to SBA. My position entails, among other things, interacting with faculty on academic issues. I will be working with the committee tasked with revamping the 1L curriculum at my school. My predecessor has told me there is a serious discussion about incorporating a structure similar to that of Georgetown's Curriculum B. If there are any Georgetown students who are in this section, I'd be like to correspond with you about your experience(s), so I can use this in making my recommendations. Also, I would like to talk to any Georgetown student who is not part of this section, but who can offer constructive insight as to why you did not choose it, or who can offer an 'outside looking in' perspective on it. Thanks!


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Re: Georgetown Students

Post by pasteurizedmilk » Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:08 pm

What do you mean by structural? I ask because I need to have some idea of what the change would be before I comment.

If you mean substantive class work, then I'm probably opposed to it. We get enough theoretical and historical background in the regular curriculum as is, and the school as a whole should be moving toward teaching more practical skills, not less.

Why are they considering this?

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