Internships: Private Practice vs. Gov't/non-profit Forum

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Internships: Private Practice vs. Gov't/non-profit

Post by hungryhungryhippo » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:00 pm

This is my summer post-undergrad, pre-law school. I have interned for a local superior court judge (during school) and a US Congressman in DC (summer).

I hope to intern at a biglaw firm for my 2L summer and work at a biglaw firm upon graduation.

This summer, should I intern for a private firm (possibly biglaw using connections) or does it look better to continue in the public sector, maybe state gov't or Capitol Hill (congressional committee or Senate side or executive agency) or DC non-profit?

Money is of no issue.


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Re: Internships: Private Practice vs. Gov't/non-profit

Post by thesealocust » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:41 pm

edit: never mind
Last edited by thesealocust on Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Internships: Private Practice vs. Gov't/non-profit

Post by steph404 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:46 pm

I have been on the recruiting side of things in biglaw. What you do the summer between undergrad and law school does not matter as much as what you did your 1L summer. It is always in your best interest to have interesting things on your resume though, and I would think that a public sector job would be a little more of a conversation starter than being an intern at a law firm. I don't think you'd get much experience at a firm at this point other than the atmosphere you absorb while you are running the copier. Or you can go abroad and have an amazing experience - just do something that interests you. If you are excited talking about something in an interview, it brings your resume to life.

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