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Post by abysmalgrades » Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:44 pm

Last edited by abysmalgrades on Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by CE2JD » Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:53 pm

Drop out now. Save your money and time.


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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by thesealocust » Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:55 pm

Last edited by thesealocust on Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by solidsnake » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:01 pm

Where did you go wrong, specifically?


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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by abysmalgrades » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:08 pm

i don't want to get into the details of it, but trust me it's something i can address. i feel awful, i know i f***ed up this semester. i'm just desperate right now and that's why i'm posting on an internet forum. i'll talk to career services next week.

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Joga Bonito

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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by Joga Bonito » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:11 pm

Unless you know what else your going to do, I wouldn't drop out. Not sure if you have work experience etc. or a degree in something worth-while, like non-liberal arts from a top school or something but if not I wouldn't wanna be hunting for jobs right now in this economy.

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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by Nazrix » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:14 pm

I also go to a similarly ranked school,

I only know a handful of people who dropped out, but a lot of them are doing MUCH better today (i'm a 3L and I know people who dropped out first semester 1L), than their counterparts who are now almost grads...the grads have like 100-200k in debt, and can't find a 40k job in the current hiring freeze.

Chances are you will find a 40k-60k job by the time you get bar results 3 FULL years from today, as the freeze will be very thawed by then (hopefully), but do you wanna take that chance?

It's hard to say you will NOW do well on exams, you will probably continue to do poorly, unless you truly see that you fucked around and did no studying....but there are lots of people who fuck around and get median+ at T20s first year man...

Can you drop out and come back? Our school had people who take leaves of absences, make up an excuse and take time off, see how the economy goes, see how your UG degree gets you something...then if things pick up, and you are better able to kick ass, come back and try again?

OCI is still the only way to get biglaw and OCI is screwed now, 1L grades are all that matter for OCI, if you don't get a 1L summer OCI interview/CB/ + offer, you won't know what job you WILL have until 3 full years from now. (it's pretty rare for most places to give offers as early as biglaw, as they can't predict hiring 2 years in advance)...so if you can live with that uncertainty, you'll be alright...but remember, you have to take the bar, pay your own bar bri, take a bar loan (that's 15k right there) + all the interest compounding while in school....do you wanna pay $1800/month for the next 10 year for loans? even a 60k job you'll lose a huge portion, then taxes, etc., you could be a grade school teacher and live similarly for the next 10 years....

Think it over.


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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by solidsnake » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:23 pm

abysmalgrades wrote:i don't want to get into the details of it, but trust me it's something i can address. i feel awful, i know i f***ed up this semester. i'm just desperate right now and that's why i'm posting on an internet forum. i'll talk to career services next week.
Yeah, I meant where did you go wrong w/r/t your study method. Instead of just unilaterally venting onto a bunch of strangers, if you share, others may actually get something out of your post. By writing it down and allowing others to comment, you yourself may gain more insight into how to improve going forward.

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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by RVP11 » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:24 pm

Nazrix wrote:OCI is still the only way to get biglaw and OCI is screwed now, 1L grades are all that matter for OCI
I know we all like to generalize on TLS, but both of these statements are wrong.

I do like your advice re: a leave of absence, though. This would probably be a better idea than just dropping out.

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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by Nazrix » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:28 pm

JSUVA2012 wrote:
Nazrix wrote:OCI is still the only way to get biglaw and OCI is screwed now, 1L grades are all that matter for OCI
I know we all like to generalize on TLS, but both of these statements are wrong.

I do like your advice re: a leave of absence, though. This would probably be a better idea than just dropping out.

Well, can we agree that CURRENTLY, the only people who are NOW 2Ls got biglaw summers for this summer got them through OCI? Or at least 90%? I heard 1 story about a cold-call guy getting a callback in mid-semester (now), but other than that, I don't see it.

My statement on OCI grades being all that matters is accurate, what I mean by that is that they only see 1L grades. OCI takes place in summer/fall, after 1L, they see 1L grades, and most hiring comes from that, so your 2L and 3L grades are much less valuable for getting a job. Your grades for getting an offer at the end of your summer program (i.e. your 2L grades) are almost meaningless for offer rates, I know this one to be a fact, 2L GPA had nothing to do with summer offers this year unless someone nearly failed every class, or did fail.

Those better?

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Re: terrible fall 1L grades...what now?

Post by vamedic03 » Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:49 pm


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