AUWCL -> GULC Chances? Forum

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AUWCL -> GULC Chances?

Post by jreed11 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:07 pm


I applied to transfer to GULC’s during its round 1 window (I actually submitted my application yesterday; it opened to students on January 20, 2024).

I finished my 1L fall semester with a 3.83 GPA. While my school does not publish rankings until the end of the full 1L year, based on my own research and correspondence with my career-services office, that places me between the top 5–10% of my class (closer to top 5%).

I also have strong softs (3 years big law experience, including a stellar recommendation from the head of a practice group at my firm who himself is a GULC alum), a good recommendation from my legal writing professor, etc.

I checked GULC’s 509 reports and they indicate that the 75th percentile transfers in have GPAs around 3.75-3.83 depending on the year.

I guess I’m just looking for any information and advice on my chances for admission. GULC has always been my dream school, and I was devastated when I was waitlisted and ultimately rejected last year (which I believe was due to my LSAT, which was around 160).


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