Transfer from Top 20 Forum

A forum for those current students who are or may be transferring from one school to another. Post any questions, advice, or other transfer related comments here.
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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:52 pm

Transfer from Top 20

Post by simplealacrity » Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:06 pm

PI focused student at a Top 18-20 with an above 4.0 GPA, at least at in my first semester. Should I try to transfer to YSH? Caveats: Already have a full tuition at my current school, though if I were to transfer I would get significant aid. Not big law focused, otherwise would stay with my grades. Am wondering whether for PI there's value at going to the very top schools compared to getting top grades at a T20 (I don't mind staying in the region where the school is, if that changes your calculus). The only ones that seem worth transferring for to me seems like YSH so won't be applying anywhere else besides that if I were to go ahead. Goals wise, am unsure what I want to pursue. I would like the chance of fancy appellate impact lit (who doesn't?), but I don't know whether it's a specific goal or I want it because I am annoyed it is mostly closed off to me because of my school's ranking.

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