Dean's Certification Forum
Forum rules
Anonymous Posting
Anonymous posting is only available to the creator of each thread. The anonymous posting feature is intended to permit the solicitation of anonymous advice regarding the transfer application process, chances of being accepted, etc. Unacceptable uses include: testing the feature, questions which are clearly fake or hypothetical in nature, harassing other users, etc. Posters should also read and understand the announcements posted at the top of the Transfers forum prior to using the anonymous feature.
Failure to follow these rules will get you outed, warned, or banned.
Anonymous Posting
Anonymous posting is only available to the creator of each thread. The anonymous posting feature is intended to permit the solicitation of anonymous advice regarding the transfer application process, chances of being accepted, etc. Unacceptable uses include: testing the feature, questions which are clearly fake or hypothetical in nature, harassing other users, etc. Posters should also read and understand the announcements posted at the top of the Transfers forum prior to using the anonymous feature.
Failure to follow these rules will get you outed, warned, or banned.
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:07 pm
Dean's Certification
Hey, everyone. When should I reach out to my school to fill out the Dean's Certification? Should I want until the transfer apps go live in May?
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:36 am
Re: Dean's Certification
I'd request it sooner rather than later. Schools can take forever getting it back to you.
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:12 am
Re: Dean's Certification
I agree that earlier is better. You should check with the schools that you are applying to and see if they will accept it before the application officially opens. Some will (and keep it on file until your application is officially in), but some won't. Last year, 6 of the 9 T14 schools I applied to let me send it early.