Transfer Application Question Forum
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- Posts: 12
- Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:12 pm
Transfer Application Question
Do admissions officers have access to your 1L applications? For example, I disclosed expunged charges that I didn't have to disclose because I was given bad advice. Will they have access to those documents?
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:37 pm
Re: Transfer Application Question
Did you apply to the same school last year? I think if it's a school where you applied last cycle, yes, they'll have your app. In fact, some schools say they won't take LORs used for 1L admission.HamiltonBurr wrote:Do admissions officers have access to your 1L applications? For example, I disclosed expunged charges that I didn't have to disclose because I was given bad advice. Will they have access to those documents?
If you did not apply to that school, I don't think that they'd have any record from a different application.
If you are worried, and it's a school to which you applied last cycle, you might want to talk to them about retracting that document or qualifying it.
My law school was very clear that any potential C&F issues must be disclosed. I'd rather disclose and say for x, y, z reasons it was expunged. That stuff will come up on bar C&F stuff and so it's mainly to ensure you'll be able to sit for the bar, I think.