Transfer Chances Forum

A forum for those current students who are or may be transferring from one school to another. Post any questions, advice, or other transfer related comments here.
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Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2018 5:02 pm

Transfer Chances

Post by heartlessjester » Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:03 pm

At a T1 applying to two schools for transfer. Based on 509s my gpa is above 75th at one school and slightly above 50th at the other. However, my class rank is only top 40-45. My law school is on the opposite coast but have undergrad/grad ties to location. I called the schools, one said top 50 percent is good, the other one said top 1/3rd is generally best, but that they care about employability/undergrad degrees. I am ip with an MS EE from a top 5 EE school. My top choice is the school that I'm closer to median 509s for, what do you guys think my chances are?(Transfer is from school in mid 30s to one in 20s and 1 15-20. Biglaw clerkship numbers are double what my school's is at one of the schools and quadrupule in the other)

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