transfer chances Forum
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- Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:12 am
transfer chances
Hi! I am currently a 1L at Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham AL. I am originally from the northeast and would like to move home. I am 33/1XX and that puts me at 23%. What are my chances for Brooklyn, Cardozo, BC, UConn? Any others I might have a shot at?
- cavalier1138
- Posts: 8007
- Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:01 pm
Re: transfer chances
I assume you have a chance at some of the lower-ranked schools on your list, but I'm confused about your situation. You're attending a school that places its graduates in Alabama and the surrounding area. You're focusing on schools that definitely don't place there (but are also going to cost a lot of money and not get you great placement in the Northeast). So what are you hoping to get out of transferring?
- Posts: 3594
- Joined: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:52 am
Re: transfer chances
It sounds to me like OP is regretting their decision to matriculate at Cumberland. They say the Northeast is home for them, so presumably they have now decided they want to practice in the Northeast post-graduation.cavalier1138 wrote:I assume you have a chance at some of the lower-ranked schools on your list, but I'm confused about your situation. You're attending a school that places its graduates in Alabama and the surrounding area. You're focusing on schools that definitely don't place there (but are also going to cost a lot of money and not get you great placement in the Northeast). So what are you hoping to get out of transferring?
But OP needs to decide whether they want to practice in NYC, CT, or Boston. Brooklyn/Cardozo aren't going to get OP to Boston. I'm very doubtful that top quarter at an unranked law school would be enough to get OP into BC, one of the stronger T1s - OP can certainly try, but I think the odds are unlikely.