Just got into Gtown yesterday, having trouble deciding my next move.
I have a 3.47 from Miami Law, which puts me in the top 15 or 20%. I'm a special case in that I'm an international student, have a unique background and have a really good relationship with my profs, so probably the recommendations and essay were what got me in. Just applied to Columbia and NYU, but no dean's certifications / transfer forms so I don't even know if they will start considering me. I have a week before I have to make the deposit at Gtown - did not get law review in my current school, but I do have a full ride.
Objective is hopefully biglaw in Miami, but I would take NY or DC. No idea what to do. Thoughts?
Admitted to Georgetown, chance for others / what now Forum
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- Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:37 pm