Northwestern --> HLS? Forum

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Re: Northwestern --> HLS?

Post by onionz » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:16 am

A. Nony Mouse wrote:Ventriloquist, 0Ls aren't allowed to post in the transfers forum, so you need to stop.
Thanks. I just want to clarify some misinformation in this thread:

- As someone who got in as a transfer to H from NU (but didn't go) I can 100% guarantee it has nothing to do with how close you were the first time around, as is consistent with all the historic transfer advice in this thread. It's all about 1st year rank.

- Wachtell does recruit at NU. They ask career services for the names of the top students interested in NY, and then cherry-pick the resumes they like after that. It's a little shady to me given that NU is supposed to do OCI blind with no pre-ranking by employers but I guess Wachtell is special?

- McKinsey recruits on campus. They have info sessions / recruiting events for Northwestern graduate degrees generally at the law school and sometimes at the neighboring business school building, and I know multiple people from my year who interviewed with them and at least one is working for them now.

That said, there undoubtedly are some doors that Harvard would open, but as others suggest, it's likely not worth the cost just to take a class or work with a certain professor, and there's always the stigma of being a transfer such that the doors aren't always really open the same way as if you had done all 3 years at H.


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Re: Northwestern --> HLS?

Post by merde_happens » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:38 am

theventriloquist wrote:
njdevils2626 wrote:
Also LOL @ taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra loans for a slightly increased shot at interviewing with a specific firm
How does it come up to "hundreds of thousands"?? Even if the OP got a 150K scholarship from NU, he would be saving, at most, 100K at NU by staying for 2 more years. And Harvard is likely to offer some financial aid.

I'm not saying he should transfer. But the fact is, Harvard is going to open doors. IDK about cost/benefit.
I realize you're a 0L blinded by the Harvard prestige but you need to not come in here and give bad advice to people thinking about making huge decisions. The fact of the matter is that being top of your class at NU, as the OP is, will open just as many doors as being a transfer at HLS. If anything, it's easier to meet certain goals by staying--such as getting a clerkship--since you can get faculty support early on and continue to build on those relationships.

OP--you still haven't stated what your reasons for transferring would be other than the aura of "prestige" and location. Why is location so important to you? What are your career goals?

As someone who transferred let me tell you that there are a lot of "costs" to transferring that people don't think about, such as losing your 1L friends, having to adjust again to a new school and campus, fitting into a social environment where people have already established their friend groups, etc. Plus doesn't HLS do their transfer write-on for journal before you even get an admission decision? That's something to consider as well.


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Re: Northwestern --> HLS?

Post by theventriloquist » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:42 am

merde_happens wrote:
theventriloquist wrote:
njdevils2626 wrote:
Also LOL @ taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra loans for a slightly increased shot at interviewing with a specific firm
How does it come up to "hundreds of thousands"?? Even if the OP got a 150K scholarship from NU, he would be saving, at most, 100K at NU by staying for 2 more years. And Harvard is likely to offer some financial aid.

I'm not saying he should transfer. But the fact is, Harvard is going to open doors. IDK about cost/benefit.
I realize you're a 0L blinded by the Harvard prestige but you need to not come in here and give bad advice to people thinking about making huge decisions. The fact of the matter is that being top of your class at NU, as the OP is, will open just as many doors as being a transfer at HLS. If anything, it's easier to meet certain goals by staying--such as getting a clerkship--since you can get faculty support early on and continue to build on those relationships.

OP--you still haven't stated what your reasons for transferring would be other than the aura of "prestige" and location. Why is location so important to you? What are your career goals?

As someone who transferred let me tell you that there are a lot of "costs" to transferring that people don't think about, such as losing your 1L friends, having to adjust again to a new school and campus, fitting into a social environment where people have already established their friend groups, etc. Plus doesn't HLS do their transfer write-on for journal before you even get an admission decision? That's something to consider as well.
Ok yeah I'm sorry for that. I'll stop, I was saying from what i have heard, but you are right, I'm not knowlegable enough


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Re: Northwestern --> HLS?

Post by Nebby » Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:12 am

Pretty sure OP did what most do and stopped coming to this thread the second someone suggested staying at NU. Confirmation bias etc.

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