I currently have a 3.575 at a east coast school ranked in the 70s. That puts me right on the cut off for top 10% historically for 1Ls.
I can get strong recommendation letters from all of my professors.
What are my transfer options realistically?
Tier 2 to T14 Forum
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- Posts: 51
- Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:01 pm
Re: Tier 2 to T14
T14 is definitely achievable. Grind like heck and make it into top 5% and you can be sure of it. I went from mid-80s T2 to T14 ranked top 9%.
- Posts: 127
- Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:19 pm
Re: Tier 2 to T14
How about Columbia and NYU specifically?