Chance me- 3Tier transfer to T14???? Forum

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Chance me- 3Tier transfer to T14????

Post by ontopoftheworld » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:49 pm

First post here. I'm a 1L

School is Tier 3
Wanting to transfer to USC/UCLA/GULC :oops:
Fall gpa: 2.89
Best I can do in spring and get all As would still get me to be (at best) Top 11% (as a 3.47)
Median for our school 2.9 maybe? Not sure, ranks aren't out.

1. Is it possible to get straight As in Spring (I got straight Bs in Fall)
2. Do I have a chance at any of those schools as Top 20% or above (Top 11% is my best- if that is possible)
3. What other schools should I transfer to with this GPA Top 11-20% ?

I really tried hard and I am really unsure how I can try harder.
I want some hope and a goal.
Please help, thanks so much. :lol:


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Re: Chance me- 3Tier transfer to T14????

Post by clshopeful » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:41 pm

Highly unlikely someone from a 3rd tier school w/ a sub 3.0 GPA stands any chance at transferring to T14. UCLA is easier to transfer to, but from a T3 youll need to up the GPA to their medians.. Check out UCLA 2015 509; transfer GPAs were around 3.5/3.7.

That said, I dont think it is likely you'll go from straight Bs to straight As... Usually people cant just make that adjustment. If you apply yourself enough, it's definitely possible, though.

Might not be the most enjoyable thing to read [what I've said] but I'm just being honest w/ what I think. If I were you, I'd stay at my school, and focus on networking the hell out of my connections and try to get a job that way


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Re: Chance me- 3Tier transfer to T14????

Post by Transfer247 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:14 am


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