Hofstra to... Forum

A forum for those current students who are or may be transferring from one school to another. Post any questions, advice, or other transfer related comments here.
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Hofstra to...

Post by Dream2Transfer » Thu May 10, 2012 3:46 pm

Hey you guys!
I've been combing through these forums for a while now.

I'm a current part-time 1L at Hofstra.
I would love to transfer to a higher ranked school in the NYC market and I am seeking your advice on which schools I should apply to. I am interested in either part-time or full-time programs (it makes no difference to me at this point).
I have no preference in terms of applying as a Spring or Fall transfer.

I'm a URM female ranked in the top 10% of my class.

I would love to attend Fordham. Do you think I'd have a decent chance of getting in?

Which other schools do you think I should apply to? I know NYU and Columbia are reaches.
Is it worth transferring to Cardozo or Brooklyn?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :)

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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by Wholigan » Thu May 10, 2012 9:41 pm

I would say that the only transfer that is feasible and might be worth it would be to Fordham PT. Brooklyn & Cardozo would not be worthwhile. If you go to Fordham PT, you would presumably be able to participate in their OCI next year, when you have two years remaining. Fordham FT would cause you to miss out on OCI, and I'm not sure you qualify for NYU/CLS (although you might as well apply if you are going to send out apps - you never know). Do you have a scholarship?

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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by quiver » Thu May 10, 2012 11:08 pm

Wholigan wrote:I would say that the only transfer that is feasible and might be worth it would be to Fordham PT. Brooklyn & Cardozo would not be worthwhile. If you go to Fordham PT, you would presumably be able to participate in their OCI next year, when you have two years remaining. Fordham FT would cause you to miss out on OCI, and I'm not sure you qualify for NYU/CLS (although you might as well apply if you are going to send out apps - you never know). Do you have a scholarship?
I agree with this. I don't think CLS/NYU is happening absent a move into at least the top 5% but, like Wholigan said, it doesn't really hurt to apply if you're gathering transfer stuff anyway.

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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by moneybagsphd » Thu May 10, 2012 11:31 pm

Dream2Transfer wrote:Hey you guys!
I've been combing through these forums for a while now.

I'm a current part-time 1L at Hofstra.
I would love to transfer to a higher ranked school in the NYC market and I am seeking your advice on which schools I should apply to. I am interested in either part-time or full-time programs (it makes no difference to me at this point).
I have no preference in terms of applying as a Spring or Fall transfer.

I'm a URM female ranked in the top 10% of my class.

I would love to attend Fordham. Do you think I'd have a decent chance of getting in?

Which other schools do you think I should apply to? I know NYU and Columbia are reaches.
Is it worth transferring to Cardozo or Brooklyn?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :)
Are you open to schools outside of NYC with strong NYC placement?


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by Dream2Transfer » Sun May 13, 2012 3:34 pm

moneybagsphd wrote: Are you open to schools outside of NYC with strong NYC placement?
I definitely am.

The only thing is that I have a lot of family in the tristate area (NY/NJ/CT) so I'd like to stay within a reasonable distance if possible.

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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by Dream2Transfer » Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:10 pm

Okay, so I underestimated my rank earlier.
I'm actually in the top 3 (not top 3%) in my class.

Now what? Is it better to graduate in the top 1% of your class at Hofstra or is it better to transfer to a school like Columbia, NYU, etc?
Also, do you think I'd have a shot at H?

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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by transferquery » Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:15 pm

I'm similarly ranked to you at a tier 1 and am worried about H, so my guess is that you're out there. C and N should be possible. Check your school's recent placement to know if the transfer is worth it. If you're secure for the type of work that you want in the market that you want it's probably not worth it; otherwise it probably is.


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by CanadianWolf » Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:59 am

Better to transfer to Columbia or NYU rather than graduate near the top of the class at Hofstra for NYC biglaw. Depends to some extent, however, on your career goals.


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by harmonep14 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:07 pm

You said you were part time at Hofstra? If I'm not mistaken, it is impossible to transfer from part time to NYU or CLS, even if you are #1 in your class.

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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by GodFavor2010 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:19 am

Folllow your dreams no matter what's being posted here! Try it.
Anything is possible!


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by keg411 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:08 am

harmonep14 wrote:You said you were part time at Hofstra? If I'm not mistaken, it is impossible to transfer from part time to NYU or CLS, even if you are #1 in your class.
Not if she is taking one class this summer.
OP: apply to NYU/CLS/Penn.


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by cappad0cian » Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:07 am

keg411 wrote: OP: apply to NYU/CLS/Penn.
FYI, Penn doesn't allow students to transfer if they have done any part-time work. The email I received said:

"Upon a closer examination of your transfer application, it has been determined that you are, unfortunately, ineligible to apply to Penn Law as a transfer student. Per a faculty mandate, we do not allow students to apply as transfer students if any portion of their first year curriculum was completed on a part-time basis (http://www.law.upenn.edu/prospective/jd ... metransfer)."

They will offer to refund your application if you apply anyway, but you lose the LSAC fee.


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by harmonep14 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:22 am

keg411 wrote:
harmonep14 wrote:You said you were part time at Hofstra? If I'm not mistaken, it is impossible to transfer from part time to NYU or CLS, even if you are #1 in your class.
Not if she is taking one class this summer.
OP: apply to NYU/CLS/Penn.

Hofstra part-time students take only 24 credits their first year. Both Columbia and NYU require a minimum of 28 to apply. Columbia requires that all credits be completed by July 15, and it acknowledges that it will generally not be able to accept credit for summer classes. Similarly, NYU requires that all credits be completed by July 1. Thus, even if a part-time student at Hofstra were to take a four credit course in the summer, Hofstra's first summer session exam period is not until July 16-19, and thus the credits would not be completed by either NYU or Columbia's deadline.


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Re: Hofstra to...

Post by keg411 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:04 pm

I'll just say I know someone who transferred to Penn last year who was PT and taking a summer class.

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