Law Review Write on? Forum
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- Posts: 8
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:38 pm
Law Review Write on?
I did well last semester at my T2, top 2-3% and am about 90% sure I'd like to transfer. Our school requires everyone to try to write on to LR during the spring. Is it worth spending a boat load of time doing this when I could be concentrating on grades? Anyone have a similar experience?
- InnocuousDiatribe
- Posts: 193
- Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:40 pm
Re: Law Review Write on?
I'm in your situation atm. FWIW, I'm not going to waste my time trying to write on but only because I'm basically one step out of the door already, i.e., 100% intent on transferring. For you, if there's any chance at all that you might be staying, it may be worth it, but if you know for sure you're going to transfer, I'd say just concentrate on keeping your grades up.Hon. Art Vandelay wrote:I did well last semester at my T2, top 2-3% and am about 90% sure I'd like to transfer. Our school requires everyone to try to write on to LR during the spring. Is it worth spending a boat load of time doing this when I could be concentrating on grades? Anyone have a similar experience?