Asking for an Extension? Forum

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Asking for an Extension?

Post by autumnaesthetic » Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:18 pm

So a school I'd be happy transferring to has accepted me on the condition that I accept their offer by a certain time. But I have also applied to another school at which I am not complete (class ranks came out last week, waiting for them to be "officially" received). Is there any precedent of people successfully requesting an extension to "think about it" or is this a slap in the face? Assuming all my materials are received by tomorrow or the next day (I had my school send them the 27th, going across the country).....And now I'm rambling & speculating. I hate overthinking things.

TL;DR: Request an extension for accepting admissions offer or just suck it up and pay seat deposit?


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Re: Asking for an Extension?

Post by missinglink » Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:39 pm

You're overthinking things.

Ask for the extension. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Then you know where you stand.

It doesn't seem like a "slap in the face." It's a big decision, and big decisions should not be rushed.


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Re: Asking for an Extension?

Post by CanadianWolf » Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:52 pm

If feasible, pay the seat deposit while waiting for the other school's decision. If it would be a burden, then ask for an extension in an honest & tactful manner.


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Re: Asking for an Extension?

Post by specialblend35 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:11 pm

I asked a school to extend recently, and they were very understanding and gave me 2 extra weeks. Didn't seem like a big deal.

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Re: Asking for an Extension?

Post by autumnaesthetic » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:51 pm

Thanks for the advice guys. Email? Phone call? (I know I overthink, but I think even a year of law school has severely worsened this condition!) I haven't contributed much to these forums but you all have definitely helped me out a bunch over the years (from pre-0L through 1L and now the transfer process). I appreciate that.


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Re: Asking for an Extension?

Post by transplantedbuckeye » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:49 pm

I would send an e-mail, just for record keeping purposes. Other than that, schools understand you need to wait, make decisions, etc. I got an extension last year without a problem.

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