Question about rank/curve Forum

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Question about rank/curve

Post by hrvd214 » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:17 pm

Our class rank has yet to be released so i was hoping that those of you who have had your rank released might be able to help me. I know that rank depends on grade distribution I am just trying to get a general idea
The school is on a 3.0 curve
What GPA roughly corresponds to what rank. Is it pretty close to this?
3.6=top 10
3.5=top 15
3.4=top 20
3.0-3.1= median


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Re: Question about rank/curve

Post by tbo123123 » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:27 pm

no need to do any math dude, this doesn't change a damn thing - why are you wasting your time doing math? Just apply to the damn schools and let the postman give you little envelopes, and open them up and your answers are all there.

What the HELL do you achieve by doing Math? Are you REALLY going to NOT apply if we tell you that your chances are slim? Are you REALLY going to have a life altering experience if you save $60 on the app? You're going to apply anyway, right? So why do the math? Are you going to TELL the ad comm what "your math" indicates your rank is? Tell me you ain't gonna do that.

Use some logic bro. CHILL THE F OUT with the Math dude.

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Re: Question about rank/curve

Post by let/them/eat/cake » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:33 pm

also, don't double post. but, that post above, hysterical. well done dude.

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