School between 65-75, 3.7 GPA Forum

A forum for those current students who are or may be transferring from one school to another. Post any questions, advice, or other transfer related comments here.
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School between 65-75, 3.7 GPA

Post by BobSacamano » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:50 pm

So, just for fun, how high can I go? My school is between 65-75 and my grades were A+, A, A, B last semester. I'm not sure what we curve to but I believe it's a 3.0, maybe a little higher.

NALP tells me that top 10% for the graduating class of 2008 was about 3.6, but I don't really know where a 3.7 puts me after a semester. Obviously I would have to replicate my performance this semester (easier said than done, I know).

I love the school and the city where I am currently, so it would take a T14 for me to pack up and leave. Plus given my family situation it would have to be a big city likely. CCN would be perfect, but I have no idea what my chances are, and the Yahoo transferapps database doesn't help much. I'm not sure how much better my career prospects are coming from a T14 than top 10% from a strong regional school.

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