It's all anyone talks about these days.

I watch it every four years... ha... World Cup is fun to root on your country! Today's game was depressing for 90 mins and had an incredible ending. Well worth it!Alyssa wrote:I wish I watched soccer.
It's all anyone talks about these days.
CG614 wrote:I watch it every four years... ha... World Cup is fun to root on your country! Today's game was depressing for 90 mins and had an incredible ending. Well worth it!Alyssa wrote:I wish I watched soccer.
It's all anyone talks about these days.
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Seriously! I am thinking about calling them soon.rx3r wrote:Any idea when we hear about our loan applications?
I spoke with them in the middle of last week; they said to call back in 2 weeks (ie next week). But i'm doubtful...CG614 wrote:Seriously! I am thinking about calling them soon.rx3r wrote:Any idea when we hear about our loan applications?
Before Arrival Checklist
Please read carefully through the materials online and confirm that you have completed these important items prior to your arrival at CLS:
•Upload your profile on AdmitNet, and while you're there, explore the official incoming student forums.
•Submit your official student photograph via AdmitNet as soon as possible.
•Visit the Health Services website, submit your proof of immunization, and elect to enroll or waive CU insurance. Please note that CU insurance takes effect on September 1, 2010.
•For students who have a physical or learning disability, self-identify with the University's Office of Disability Services; you can reach them at 212-854-2388 or at
•Read through the Department of Information Technology's incoming student guide and create your Columbia University email account. Complete the computer based training moduly ("CBT") via this website by August 16, 2010.
•Columbia University's central Student Services has also provided some helpful information for admitted students. You can visit their web site here.
Transcripts: In order to register at the Law School you must have your undergraduate degree-granting institution send us an original final official transcript showing the conferral of your degree, as instructed by the Office of Admissions. If you have not made arrangements to have your final transcript sent to the Law School, please do so right away. If a final transcript will not be available prior to August 16, 2010, please write to the Admissions Office, with a copy to Registration Services, to explain your circumstances.
In addition, an original official transcript and Dean's Certification from each post-secondary institution at which you matriculated for a degree, including those from which you transferred, must be submitted. Please note that study-abroad transcripts not included in your post-secondary institution's transcript must also be submitted. A hold will be placed on the records of students not complying with this requirement, and they will not be cleared to register for the Spring 2011 term until all required documents are received.
Any updates on loans?pissantvache wrote:I spoke with them in the middle of last week; they said to call back in 2 weeks (ie next week). But i'm doubtful...CG614 wrote:Seriously! I am thinking about calling them soon.rx3r wrote:Any idea when we hear about our loan applications?
I've heard nothing...rx3r wrote:Any updates on loans?pissantvache wrote:I spoke with them in the middle of last week; they said to call back in 2 weeks (ie next week). But i'm doubtful...CG614 wrote:Seriously! I am thinking about calling them soon.rx3r wrote:Any idea when we hear about our loan applications?
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You'll have to initiate the deferral process.protokurios wrote:If we're paying for Stafford loans from undergrad, do we need to notify the Dept of Education or Sallie Mae that we're going to be enrolled full-time as a law student, or will they figure it out on their own? haha
I looked at the list, and Columbia is a Clearinghouse member, so I guess we don't have to do anything.In-school deferment
You don't have to request deferment if you are attending a college or a university at least half time and your school, like most schools, participates in the National Student Clearinghouse's paperless deferment process. Participating schools notify us when you register for classes. We then automatically defer your loans starting with your semester begin date until your anticipated graduation date. Find out if your school is a Clearinghouse member by clicking here. If so, you don't need to submit a form. If you are certain that your school does not participate in the Clearinghouse, download the form.
Note: Schools report enrollment information at various intervals throughout the year and updates may or may not coincide with actual semester dates. If the current semester has begun and your loans are not in a deferred status, please contact the school registrar to verify the update. Keep in mind, that it can take up to 21 days to display your account in a deferred status. You will not incur any penalties as a result of this delay.
CG614 wrote:Just spoke with Columbia Fin Aid. I was told that the delay in getting a response about the Grad Plus loans is due to the Federal Government having a backlog with the new system. There is no definite time frame on when we should expect the response. The person I spoke with did say that Columbia is aware of how late this information is getting to us and they will work with people. They also said that we aren't actually billed until after we get there and the payments won't be due until Mid-September. So, I think we can all rest a little easier now, at least I am.
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I did not say the loans were not dispersed until mid-September, I said we were not billed until then. I am not sure when the loans will be dispersed. Are you in university housing? If so, you had to pay first month's rent when you accepted the spot.remz wrote:CG614 wrote:Just spoke with Columbia Fin Aid. I was told that the delay in getting a response about the Grad Plus loans is due to the Federal Government having a backlog with the new system. There is no definite time frame on when we should expect the response. The person I spoke with did say that Columbia is aware of how late this information is getting to us and they will work with people. They also said that we aren't actually billed until after we get there and the payments won't be due until Mid-September. So, I think we can all rest a little easier now, at least I am.
How are we supposed to pay our first month's rent if our loans aren't disbursed until mid-September?
Thanks for posting.CG614 wrote:Just spoke with Columbia Fin Aid. I was told that the delay in getting a response about the Grad Plus loans is due to the Federal Government having a backlog with the new system. There is no definite time frame on when we should expect the response. The person I spoke with did say that Columbia is aware of how late this information is getting to us and they will work with people. They also said that we aren't actually billed until after we get there and the payments won't be due until Mid-September. So, I think we can all rest a little easier now, at least I am.
I think it's highly unlikely they would let you sublet. At the very least, you would have to move into your new apartment and have the subleaser (or whatever it's called) pay you, but that would probably have to be under the table. As far as transferring the apartment to someone else, I imagine that that would happen regardless, and I doubt they'd let you determine who the apartment would be transferred to. BUT it's not impossible, so you could always ask?sanoora wrote:What if we change our mind about university housing? I accepted my assignment and paid the huge deposit but now it looks like I'm going to do something else. I'd really rather not write that off although I realize it's nonrefundable; can we sublet or transfer our assigned housing to another student who might want it?
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a tour of the UN? Yes, please!CG614 wrote:Just got the email today with all the orientation events. Looks like a jam packed two days. Also, all the organizations events look sweet. So much to do! I am pumped!
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