Congrats AdamatUCF, Heather1987, spaacecdt, and everyone else!
If you haven't read through the whole thread:
The last
male room in Hughes Hall (the 1L dorm attached to the law school) is confirmed taken. So the status of university-owned housing is bleak. If you want to shop around, Cornell has an Off-Campus Housing Office that provides pretty good information to help you out. There's a list of apartments and apartment complexes in Ithaca at ... G-2010.pdf. It's not exhaustive, I'm not sure if inclusion on that list is self-selection by landlords or what. But it's a good jumping-off point. As well, the OCHO has a searchable online database for housing in Ithaca at ... age1-1.asp.
Craigslist has a pretty good selection of apartments for rent in Ithaca. Worth checking out, you never know what you'll find. When I went apartment-hunting I used both OCHO and Craigslist, and a lot of listings on OCHO's database overlapped with Craigslist.
The areas CLOSE to campus are Collegetown, Lower Collegetown, West Campus if you want to walk a bit. If you're looking for $600-$750/mo, you're pretty much limited to small studios in Collegetown. Further out from campus, prices drop dramatically.
Also, there have been some 0Ls looking for roommates to share a place across this thread, and in discussions on the official Cornell Law Class of 2013 Facebook group and the unofficial TLS Cornell Class of 2013 group (that's where all the cool kids are.) It's a long shot but might still merit a look.