Please notify me of TLS class threads and facebook groups by posting in this thread or by pm. Thanks
Alabama Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- TruckerD
- hwstewart
Washington Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- texas0813
- The Invisible Man
- HazelEyes
- tfc7x
- legalease9
University of Arizona Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- cLams
- fallguy
- Lawquacious
- Charles Barkley
- sk_mcbride
- aIvin adams
- pre-law
- tram988
- ExcitedBlutterance
- scgoaliface32
- ExcitedBlutterance
- JusticeHarlan
- Katerina
Berkeley Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- heyyitskatie
- amandap
- manu4ever882001
- gymboree
- ppa840
- sandiecohen47
- Shaggier1
- dlac
- Tangerine Gleam
- daviddel03
- spiffypyro
- felicity00
- Island Girl
- ikari_ningen
- goosey
- sophistry
- knickfan
- Cupidity
- aChahmedLife
- Ladypurlt
Cardozo Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
2nd Cardozo Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- holidayfromreal
- angioletto
- charlesjd
- sapp
- twert
Chicago Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- patrickchillis
- ontologyfail
- 0L Hoping for 1
- ChaotiCait
- ValiantVic
- Rand M.
- hiromoto45
- AngryAvocado
- miamiman
- zoey15
- tintin
- vickers711
- emrose
- onwisconsin25
- agentzer0
- as stars burn
- Kobe_Teeth
- toolfan
- Dayton
Columbia Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- nateDgr8
- Tofu
- rx3r
- irie
- maudlinstreet
- swc65
- jl2032
- CG614
- hoopsguy6
- iminlstrick
- Dtackpat75
- blue5385
- somewhatwayward
- mvp
UConn Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Lighthouse28
- AustinOrgans
- novaUGuconnPG
- Burger in a can
- cicely101
- calicocat
- cylaw
- sjsteece
- extempore88
- vexion
- alexyoshi
- Admitme17
- Ronaldo
- legallybrunette16
- jms116
- yelgnits
- holybartender
- Fuser
- grandslam
- cicely101
- acdisagod
- Big Tuna
- Lincoln
- danidancer
- AdamatUCF
- jks289
UC Davis Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Inygma
- calgal17
- yo!
- STPaulTennis
- lawlec48
Depaul Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
"Official" Depaul Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- SmittenMitten
- chicagolaw2013
Drake Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- evilxs
Duke Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
Duke Law Class of 2013 Summer Starters Facebook Group
- johndh
- DallasCowboy
- thickfreakness
- insidethetwenty
- Flanker1067
- los blancos
Emory Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- lawduder
- maximus34998
- outlaw08
- randtuckman
- eldizknee
- autao
- anniesaysrelax
- cendien
- adh07d
- jakamajiga
- electricfeel
- emorystud2010
UF Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Lomax
- UFstudent
Fordham Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- beebs
- Springsteen
- kaydish21
- H. E. Pennypacker
- hannah87
- MrSoOoFLy
- nygiants
- chicoalto0649
- LaurenGayle
- Wingdw
- tesoro
- nygrrrl
- rockthelaw
- jk11287
- joecane
- mistywisty
George Mason
- gracekim123
Georgetown Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Kim617
- D. H2Oman
- Jackie O
- gobears09
- MSPeast
- Interminable_Waiting
- Burberry by Burberry
- volsi
- starrydecisus
- js87
- tigrelis
- Topher
- scribelaw
- John Doh!
- beef wellington
- Sansei
UGA Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- jonpyle345
- moviechicka
- eandy
- TheBigMediocre
- rapstar
- cariberry
- mkirk3
- missvik218
- griffkin
- married0L
- iShotFirst
- MikeRob9485
- zreinhar
GW Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- bullfighter
- lawschoolftw
- umichgrad
- ccs224
- Always Credited
- rejectmaster
- terpette
- Encyclopedia Brown
- Teoeo
- Chroanizz
Harvard Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- DoubleChecks
- APimpNamedSlickback
- Chichaca
- GeePee
- The Dan
- SR86
- smittytron3k
- kmap
- jlh39
- rotflawl
- adameus
UC Hastings Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- weaselology
- a male human
- Borhas
- l'uccello
Indiana University-Bloomington Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Vincent Vega
- narkizopoint
- Threepeat
- colts18
Iowa Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- jaskat
- nyskidude
- bhblack
- deevilsih
- mshflyer
- thepcv
- traehekat
- txelle
- Pretzel_Logic
- KraftEZ
Loyola Chicago Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- MU10
- Duralex
- thepaintrain
LSU Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- macatak911
- EastbndnDwn
McGeorge Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- tadams86
- trialjunky
Michigan Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Helmholtz
- waitingforanswers
- starstruck393
- CaptainSnuggleBunny
- blue16
- UnrequitedMichLawLuv
- sonpleaseiamthelaw
- snickersnicker
- huarwfn
- bighead715
- Aeon
- flyers05
- Tea&Coffee
- thalassocrat
- blhoward2
- doinmybest
- cardinalandgold
- holydonkey
- ankit
- goodolgil
- bottomshelf
- byunbee
- Shlonster
- tamlyric
- Joan Hollaway
- GMVarun
- def2104
- Bronte
- roundabout
- williamsmatt
Minnesota Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- faceman9000
- Neil
- jayn3
- Fast_Fingers
- alexanderkaim
- Thomas Jefferson
Ole' Miss
- deadpanic
- twopoodles
- alisyn313
Northwestern Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- windycityblues
- NayBoer
- sparty11
- Desert Fox
- Drew2010
- boo jersey shore
- D-hops
- worldpiece17
- Sauer Grapes
- floppymex
- Holly Golightly
- MusicNutMeggie
- K's Logic
- AddyO
- alabamabound
- ilovelamp18
- michaellikesit
- caleng
- ccourt14
Notre Dame Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- sckon
- I'm Sorry Dave
- fulkersonr1
- ndirish2010
- theantiscalia
- FunkyJD
- vanstone22
- rocross1
- t_flores08
- pollaclc
- cheesus
- MissSaunders
NYU Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- facetious
- Stanford4Me
- forza
- Sakura3210
- mockstar
- BenJ
- WrappedUpInBooks
- moonshine
- BaiAilian2013
- buddyblack
- TheWire
- big_blue79
- Anastasia Dee Dualla
- clintonius
- JWicker10
- Tautology
- jim9o011
- cahesu
Ohio State Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- TipTravHoot
- Notor
- sarlis
- gugi13
- crm
- Whitters
- payton34
- solagratia
- shadowfrost000
- The Kim Jong illest
- trc332
- dshenoy
- x47point6
- Core
- rafikiwa
- MeasuredOptimism
- mrm2083
- aulburch
Pitt Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
TLS Class of 2013 Pitt Law Facebook Group
- Bedsole
- Scurredsitless1
- Compaq1984
- jack duluoz
- pkgugu321
- ForzaJuve123
- burvowski
- OGR3
- mhd08
- nyjfanjmk
- smartin
- sratz02
- roguelaughter
- NYVA311
Rutgers Camden Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- kissy
- jasonac21
- keg411
Rutgers-Newark Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- inSouthAmerica
- badpixie
- OrcinusOrcas
SMU Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Thirteen
- cafloyd12
- chrisokc
- Sangiovese
- wellington
- bonnieblue
- SpencerPratt
- fathergoose
- JMBrown32
- maxpayne
- UTL_plz
- ClemTiger
- mbusch22
Stanford Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Haribo
- topanga
- anmo
- WhiskeyGuy
- Kretzy
- crackberry
- amputatedbrain
- BioEBear2010
- CardinalRules
- theadw
- skynet
- Moose Thompson
- wpc1532
Tennessee Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- samer
University of Texas Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- rjr575
- UTaylor526
- entrechatsix
- f0bolous
- adrib
- mcflooter06
- JordynAsh
- Estrellas
- philosoraptor
- Pearalegal
- catharsis
- batmansion
- gmichaelbluth
- bmontminy
- haole_20
- Proximity
- smokyroom26
- timshel
UCLA Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- jay115
- weee
- brewinbruin
UIUC Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- TrackTony88
- blurbz
- sjg64
- bananasinpajamas
- Luis Gomez
- Rovias
- webbylu87
- MBZags
- jackalope11
2nd UNC thread
- eye
- ZeroEll
- mytwocents
- dkirby87
- Favor2010
- Merr
- Mattesliszt
- D-Cannon
- jss1100
- jcrojas
UNLV Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- Vegas_Rebel
- PhantaManta
University of South Carolina Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- crockerml
- TheCommish
- Janus
- Dostoevsky
- thestoryends
- smacroon
- david?
UVA Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- WillyTee
- sdedalus
- bdrr
- JohnWild
- UVA or Bust
- jnorsky
- jasonk916
- jcunni5
- dailygrind
- egghead
- schlizzle
- SweetnessUVA
- fouronthe4loor
- jdavid901
- jawsthegreat
- desertlaw
- eag25
- lnz103
- slider
- Lady LaLa
- Wi11iam
- bofas17
- Splittsburgh
- lilspainishflea
- ogman05
- aznflyingpanda
- Philo38
- Stringer Bell
- HeelsforHoos
- dgouzoul
- jmaan
- badwithpseudonyms
- memaha
- bgdddymtty
- No1ustad
- berkeleykel06
- OneKnight
- soullesswonder
- joeshmo39
- D Brooks
- ewc227
- itsirtou
- billyez
- 5ky
Vanderbilt Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- pearl_earrings
- chunge88830
- LovesPinkandPearls
- Sashimi
- MHutson41
- Quine
- iCrank
- Rawlsian
- Borachio05
- yoyoma
- rad law
- mstich
- blueberrymuffin
- TheVoynichManuscript
- MF248
- chizUFL
- beesknees
- sp63
Villanova Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- anthonyc350
- Onion
- jlnoa0915
- horriblegb
- tarheel87
- jcl2
- JIsaacSmith
- Rowinguy2009
- GordonBombay
- itzbouttime
- 2010law
- mhernton
- krispykitten
- Padimud
- 84Sunbird2000
UW-Madison Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- coolkatz321
- kcocemag10
- deegee22
- vlienj24
WUSTL Law Class of 2013 Facebook Group
- romothesavior
- panadera
- Stephanie13
- JayCole
- myq
- najumobi
- jc631
- stratocophic
- kdw94780
- nyyankees
- meddlingkid
- NU_Jet55
- mazzini
- robin600
- J-tow10
- fl0w
- Harry Ballsogna
- motedust
- ec2xs
- folgers
- joshikousei
- Ranita
- caved
- lawyering
- law_hippo
- chw
- dutchstriker
- picaresco
Canadian Law Schools
British Columbia
Osgoode Hall (York U)
- Giller
Western Ontario
Doing Something a Lot More Fun Than Law School
- Thanks harryis44 for coming up with the idea to have a section for Canadian law schools
- All choices listed here are "most likely" as of August 2010.