Wow. I never suggested that the reason for requiring a potential prosecutor to take a drug test had anything to do with them tampering with evidence, but you tend to stretch a bit so ok. You said "They're not arresting people so they don't come into contact with money, guns, and drugs.", which isn't true and some of them carry a concealed weapon, that's all(again based on my experience.) They do come in contact, I said nothing about what they may or may not do with evidence, simply that they came in contact with those things you mentioned.lsb wrote:Yes you're right, they may come into contact with guns and money, but it's after it's been processed. It would be ridiculous to think that they are going to steal a kilo of cocaine after it's already been obtained as evidence. It's different when it's a cop who pulls someone over on the side of the highway and come across 30k in cash.ejjones wrote:Your logic is terrible. I initially said that I thought ADA's not taking a drug test seemed to go against the grain of LE and is surprising based on my experience, this is the root of my comment. Where I worked(DA), everyone had to take a drug test when they got offered a job, attorney down to PT filing clerk, everyone. Privileged position, what the hell does that mean? Do you really think it's denigrating to ask a potential prosecutor to take a drug test, because they have a JD or what I don't get that? Because they have a JD they shouldn't have to take a drug test, you get tested before you get the ADA job so ADA's don't technically get tested where I've worked, you get tested before getting sworn in and never again?lsb wrote:Calm down, damn. You were suggesting that because ADAs are in a privileged position where drugs could seriously affect their job, they should be drug tested. If you don't like my legislature example (and who gives a shit that they are elected), what about doctors? I guess you think they should be drug tested. They come into contact with all types of drugs everyday and also hold the lives of human beings in their hands.
Second, why would ADAs be drug tested in the first place? They're not arresting people so they don't come into contact with money, guns, and drugs. It would insulting to treat an ADA like a clerk at Best Buy. Why don't we drug test Scalia, Roberts, and Ginsburg while we're at it?
Elected officials, that matters because they aren't hired, the voters give you a job, not an agency, business, etc, the people decide if they want you to represent them, drug use, hookers, etc or not. Do you seriously believe that the vetting process for Supreme Court Justices doesn't address things like past drug use or anything else related to their "character", integrity, intelligence, etc for that matter ( Shit, how many haven't made it to the confirmation hearings due to the crap discucussed about them, see Harriet Miers?
Do you know that MD's working in various capacities don't have to take a drug test, because I don't know.
Re: the bold portion, yes they do! Coming from someone who obtained this type of evidence and hand delivered it to the prosecutors, they do come into possession of those materials. Also, ADA's can carry a concealed weapon if they wish where I live(ie not the backwoods), as far as I know this isn't uncommon.
Edit: please test Scalia, oh and I'm not big on drug testing BTW. Wasn't advocating widespread drug testing you ass.
I dont see why you think it matters that legislatures are elected. We're the boss and they are the potential employee.
And of course potential Justices get grilled before they get confirmed, but Congress does not say at the hearing "ok Sotomayor, now before we give you the official nod, we're going to need you to go to the ladies room and piss in this little cup for us. Now go quick and bring it back so we can get it analyzed." How insulting would that be?
No, doctors do not get drug tested. At least none that I've met.
Also, where do you live in where there is all this oversight? It sounds like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.
It's legislators, you can't drug test a legislature. Yes, we elect them, exactly. You said, in response to my surprise that an ADA wasn't drug tested that "I guess we should also drug test legislatures then because they make the laws." What does that have to do with LE and drug tests, which was what I was commenting on? Also, elected officials are scrutinized by hundred, thousands, ..., millions of people, not to mention scholars, pundits, 24 hr news networks, who search to find the slightest piece of scandal to ruin X candidate or public servants reputation, as to discover the "quality" of the candidate and then the people vote and decide, most of the time. This is very different from getting hired by an individual(s) at a particular agency, department, etc, thus background checks, which may include a drug test or drug history background check(every Fed job that I'm aware of) might be the only way they find out about certain aspects of a candidate. Again, I don't necessarily agree with any of this.
With justices, appointed and again thoroughly vetted. They've proved themselves, hopefully, as ethical individuals with a strong understanding of the law, why would they need to be drug tested? You made that connection, a bad one at that, not me. You're questioning your own flawed logic. I never thought they should be tested, you brought us here. My point was look at what happens to nominees who have "blemishes", they often withdraw before even getting to a confirmation hearing. With Ginsburg, it was his "continued use of marijuana after graduation and as a professor that made his indiscretions more serious in the minds of many Senators and members of the public." That is insulting, that something he did so long ago could bring down a nominee, who otherwise is a good candidate and a Federal Apellate Jugdge. A piss test isn't necessary, we have the media, eunuch senators and a stupid constituency!
So you don't know of any doctors that have been required to take a drug test, therefore all MD's don't?
I live in Orwellian CA. Oversight? It's a fucking drug test. I hope you're just fuckng with me.