IRS OCC Intern/Extern Advice Forum

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IRS OCC Intern/Extern Advice

Post by IM520 » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:14 pm


I am currently a 2L in NYC and I applied for both a summer intern position (applied in august) and an externship position (applied in october, for this spring) with the OCC. I heard complete radio silence from both despite having a strong GPA (top 15%) and a demonstrated interest in tax (enrolled in several tax courses). I also followed up but received no response.

I was wondering if anyone else was in a similar position as I am or has actually heard back from either of those positions. I would also welcome any tips to stand out on future externship applications and eventually when I apply for the honors attorney position. Thanks so much for your time and advice!

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Re: IRS OCC Intern/Extern Advice

Post by nealric » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:34 pm

IM520 wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:14 pm

I am currently a 2L in NYC and I applied for both a summer intern position (applied in august) and an externship position (applied in october, for this spring) with the OCC. I heard complete radio silence from both despite having a strong GPA (top 15%) and a demonstrated interest in tax (enrolled in several tax courses). I also followed up but received no response.

I was wondering if anyone else was in a similar position as I am or has actually heard back from either of those positions. I would also welcome any tips to stand out on future externship applications and eventually when I apply for the honors attorney position. Thanks so much for your time and advice!
I suspect the government hiring freeze EO has a lot to do with it. For what it's worth, I did an OCI interview with OCC back in the day and never heard back. I ended up doing Biglaw tax. I'm actually glad I ended up going the private sector route.

Federal government hiring is as much based on timing as any merit. Hiring tends to come in waves. You can be the #1 tax student in the country and not get in the door when hiring is low, and you can be pretty middling and get an offer during a hiring wave.

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Re: IRS OCC Intern/Extern Advice

Post by Anonymous User » Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:37 pm

IM520 wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:14 pm

I am currently a 2L in NYC and I applied for both a summer intern position (applied in august) and an externship position (applied in october, for this spring) with the OCC. I heard complete radio silence from both despite having a strong GPA (top 15%) and a demonstrated interest in tax (enrolled in several tax courses). I also followed up but received no response.

I was wondering if anyone else was in a similar position as I am or has actually heard back from either of those positions. I would also welcome any tips to stand out on future externship applications and eventually when I apply for the honors attorney position. Thanks so much for your time and advice!
From what I’ve heard, summer internships are all getting axed under this hiring freeze.

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