PW NY v. STB NY (Corporate) Forum

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STB or PW?

Total votes: 28


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PW NY v. STB NY (Corporate)

Post by duckduckgoose1000 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:27 am

I am super super lucky to be choosing between PW and STB for corporate in NY right now. Both are amazing firms, and I am having a very tough time picking one. I am interested in trying both funds and M&A, so I love that both have rotations. Everyone I have spoken with from both has been super kind, and everyone has emphasized the camaraderie among associates. Would love to hear what people think makes the most sense.

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Re: PW NY v. STB NY (Corporate)

Post by Anonymous User » Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:42 pm

duckduckgoose1000 wrote:
Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:27 am
I am super super lucky to be choosing between PW and STB for corporate in NY right now. Both are amazing firms, and I am having a very tough time picking one. I am interested in trying both funds and M&A, so I love that both have rotations. Everyone I have spoken with from both has been super kind, and everyone has emphasized the camaraderie among associates. Would love to hear what people think makes the most sense.

First off, you're right that they're both similar firms for your purposes. I would go to a place where you prefer the people - the differences between the firms are slight right now, and working with good people makes all the difference. (And yes, there are good and bad people at EVERY firm.)

If you're indifferent, I would lean PW for two reasons: they seem to be on a growth tear compared to STB (whether this is good for the firm as a whole / for the long term is a different question, but for now that's good for you) and their M&A franchise is broader than STB's (both have an anchor PE MF client, but PW's public company practice is significantly in front of STB's). The best argument for Simpson is, as I understand it, that their Funds practice has much more internal clout than PW's.

Anonymous User
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Re: PW NY v. STB NY (Corporate)

Post by Anonymous User » Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:16 am

duckduckgoose1000 wrote:
Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:27 am
I am super super lucky to be choosing between PW and STB for corporate in NY right now. Both are amazing firms, and I am having a very tough time picking one. I am interested in trying both funds and M&A, so I love that both have rotations. Everyone I have spoken with from both has been super kind, and everyone has emphasized the camaraderie among associates. Would love to hear what people think makes the most sense.
Would advise ignoring vibes on the people/camaraderie; there's a good chance the juniors/midlevels you talked to are no longer at the firm by the time you get there and I guarantee there are fantastic and miserable people to work for at both firms.

Would skew STB over P,W given the actual interest in fund formation. My understanding is that P,W's group is an afterthought. I've also heard that AGM is notably hard to work for and that BS/KKR/SL are demanding but not as bad.

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