DOJ Criminal Fraud -> SDNY/EDNY? Forum

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DOJ Criminal Fraud -> SDNY/EDNY?

Post by Anonymous User » Mon May 13, 2024 1:23 pm

Anyone move from main justice criminal fraud to a NYC USAO? Is it possible? How best could you set yourself up for this transition?

I’ve applied for a very trial-heavy position at crim fraud and am trying to assess my exit opportunities as someone who wants to be in NYC long term. Coming in with a civil background and trying to diversify (have done very little crim work thus far, just one pro bono matter at my firm). I think I will like criminal law more but also who knows and maybe I should just stick it out until I get a civil offer from EDNY/SDNY out of big law?


Anonymous User
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Re: DOJ Criminal Fraud -> SDNY/EDNY?

Post by Anonymous User » Mon May 13, 2024 3:38 pm

I know of a small handful of ex-Main Justice folks at EDNY but really none at SDNY. SDNY is very set on the mold of top big law firm --> A3 clerkship(s) in SDNY and/or CA2. EDNY is a bit more open minded especially if you have prior stand-up experience. BigLaw and clerking in NYC is a much more well-worn path. Civil Divisions at both offices have less AUSAs but are generally less competitive.

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