Hi folks - I am deciding between two offers in Los Angeles and struggling. I am looking to do corporate transactional work - dream job doing entertainment law one day (I actually have real work experience in the industry), but that isn't an immediate option given my offers. As such, I'm probably looking to do M&A or private equity work.
Top Priorities: I want as laid back of a culture as possible (authentic people and minimal weekend work), and a firm with a good reputation that affords me the ability to go in-house later if I decide I need an exit strategy. Ideally, I'd get to do some real entertainment-related projects.
See my take so far...
O'Melveny & Myers downtown: The firm is very well reviewed for associate satisfaction and apparently has very little turnover per my discussion with some 2nd and 3rd year associates. That really speaks volumes to me as I know these firms can have high burnout. I'd love to do entertainment law one day, and I think working downtown, there's a chance I could sidestep my way toward the entertainment practice in Century City over time. Overall I like the entertainment practice nearby, the good reputation, and what appears to be high job satisfaction. That said, while everyone I met was super smart and nice, I didn't vibe with the team quite as well as with Proskauer.
Proskauer Rose: I immediately "clicked" extremely well with every person at Proskauer who interviewed me in a way that just felt right. They are pumped to have me, I am excited about the idea of working with them. I also think they seemed like real mentors, and since it's a smaller office, I feel like I'd get good individualized attention. That said - I don't know anything about their turnover ratings, and they are rated lower for associate satisfaction. They also don't seem to do much entertainment work in LA in the transactional/ corporate space (that appears to be mostly NY from what I can tell), so I know that I won't ever get to do my dream practice. Overall, I love how laid back/ authentic the whole team seems to be but worry whether A) life would actually be chiller there than at OMM and b) whether I'd have as easy of a time going inhouse later.
Can anyone weigh in? I'd really love any feedback.
OMM vs. Proskauer Forum
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